V Voice Changer is an iOS app that lets the user record an audio snippet, apply effects to it, and share the processed mp4 file. Available on the App Store.
The purpose of developing this app was to achieve three goals:
- Create new voice effects that I couldn't find in any other voice changer app, namely "Ruler of the Other World" and "Game Master" voice effects;
- Test the Lottie library, created by Airbnb, to perform iOS animations;
- Improve the code architecture of the Udacity's Pitch Perfect project, without adding much complexity, for educational purposes.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Xcode 10.2 or above
Download the zip file of the project, or, if you have Git installed in your machine, clone the repository using the command line:
git clone https://github.com/alvesmarcel/V-Voice-Changer/
- MVC pattern
- Lottie library
- AVFoundation framework
- UIKit framework
- Auto Layout
- Xcode 10.2
- Swift 5
- Git
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.