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Independent seq_fwd and variant_policy #226

Independent seq_fwd and variant_policy

Independent seq_fwd and variant_policy #226

Workflow file for this run

name: tests
name: ${{matrix.os}} ${{ matrix.description }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
- os: ubuntu-20.04
# oldest LLVM that the install-llvm-action action is able to install
description: "LLVM 5"
llvm-version: "5"
- os: ubuntu-22.04
# select libc++ as libstdc++ appears to be the default
description: "LLVM 16 libc++"
llvm-version: "16"
cmake-flags: '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-lc++abi"'
- os: ubuntu-20.04
description: "GCC 7"
gcc-version: "7"
cmake-version: "3.18"
test-amalgamation: true
- os: ubuntu-20.04
description: "GCC 9"
gcc-version: "9"
- os: ubuntu-latest
description: "GCC 13"
gcc-version: "13"
test-amalgamation: true
- os: ubuntu-latest
# default GCC, which has gcov
- os: macos-latest
# uses Apple Clang
- os: windows-latest
# uses MSVC
- os: windows-latest
mingw-version: "13.2.0"
description: "MinGW 13"
cmake-flags: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"'
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install TBB (Ubuntu)
if: contains(matrix.os, 'ubuntu')
run: sudo apt-get install -y libtbb-dev
- name: Install TBB (macOS)
if: contains(matrix.os, 'macos')
run: brew install tbb
- name: Setup GCC
uses: egor-tensin/setup-gcc@v1
if: ${{ matrix.gcc-version != '' }}
version: ${{ matrix.gcc-version }}
- name: Setup MinGW
if: contains(matrix.os, 'windows') && matrix.mingw-version != ''
run: |
choco install --no-progress mingw --version ${{ matrix.mingw-version }}
Add-Content $env:GITHUB_PATH "C:\ProgramData\mingw64\mingw64\bin"
- name: Setup LLVM and Clang
uses: KyleMayes/install-llvm-action@v1
if: ${{ matrix.llvm-version != '' }}
version: ${{ matrix.llvm-version }}
env: true
- name: Setup cmake
uses: jwlawson/actions-setup-cmake@v1
if: ${{ matrix.cmake-version != '' }}
cmake-version: ${{ matrix.cmake-version }}
- name: Build and Test
run: |
cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DPOOLSTL_TEST=ON -DPOOLSTL_TEST_COVERAGE=ON ${{ matrix.cmake-flags }}
cmake --build build/ --config Debug
cd build/tests
ctest -C Debug --output-on-failure --verbose
echo "Supplement Test:"
./supplement_test || ./Debug/supplement_test.exe
shell: bash
- name: Benchmark
# Earliest GCC with all benchmarked methods is 9
if: matrix.gcc-version != '7' && matrix.gcc-version != '8'
run: |
cmake -S . -B bench_build/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPOOLSTL_BENCH=ON ${{ matrix.cmake-flags }}
cmake --build bench_build/ --config Release
cd bench_build/benchmark/
./poolstl_bench || ./Release/poolstl_bench.exe
shell: bash
- name: Test Amalgamation
if: matrix.test-amalgamation
run: |
cd tools/
cd ..
rm -rf include/poolstl/*
cp tools/poolstl.hpp include/poolstl/
mkdir -p include/poolstl/internal
cp tools/poolstl.hpp include/poolstl/internal/utils.hpp
cmake -S . -B build/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DPOOLSTL_TEST=ON -DPOOLSTL_TEST_COVERAGE=OFF ${{ matrix.cmake-flags }}
cmake --build build/ --config Debug
cd build/tests
ctest -C Debug --output-on-failure --verbose
shell: bash
- name: Upload Coverage to Codecov
if: contains(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') || contains(matrix.os, 'macos')
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
gcov: true
gcov_include: include/*