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Development in VS Code

V edited this page Oct 14, 2024 · 3 revisions

To get autocomplete for eli std library you have to:

  1. Install Lua extension from sumneko
  2. Download latest eli and ami meta definitions.
    • eli meta definitions can be found in eli releases as
    • ami meta definitions can be found in ami releases as
  3. Create directory where you want to store meta definitions. For this tutorial we assume $HOME/lua/meta-definitions.
  4. Extract downloaded eli's into $HOME/lua/meta-definitions
  5. Rename meta directory for eli meta definitions - $HOME/lua/meta-definitions/meta -> $HOME/lua/meta-definitions/eli
  6. Extract downloaded ami's into $HOME/lua/meta-definitions
  7. Rename meta directory for ami meta definitions - $HOME/lua/meta-definitions/meta -> $HOME/lua/meta-definitions/ami
  8. In your project or workspace settings add:
    "Lua.workspace.library": [
    "Lua.diagnostics.globals": [



  1. From now on you should get hints and autocomplete for eli stdlib and ami functions in this project/workspace.
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