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Functional issues that affect the alire-index repository
Issues related to the alire.ada.dev repository
Minimal changes required (<1h)
Minor changes required (<4h)
Moderate/isolated changes required (<1d)
Extensive/tangled changes required (<1w)
Huge, complex, unclear cost (>1w)
Enable issue sponsoring via polar.sh
Major-breaking change (back-incompatible)
Minor-breaking change (new feature)
This issue or pull request already exists
After consideration, there's nothing to do
After consideration, this will not be worked on
A release is unusable due to some kind of brokenness
For non-code pending changes
Improvements to existing functionality
Internal enhancements without impact on functionality
Features that have gone missing/reintroduced bugs.
Issues that are idea discussions - Deprecated, use a Discussion instead
Security/integrity related issues