Hi, long time! We finally got some progress on the new architecture rewrite! Please have a look at the demo apps deployed to Deno Deploy with the new architecture (1.0.0-alpha.20):
- React Hello-world: https://aleph-hello.deno.dev/
- Vue Hello-world: https://aleph-vue.deno.dev/
- React 18 Suspense SSR: https://aleph-suspense-ssr.deno.dev/
- UnoCSS(tailwind): https://aleph-unocss.deno.dev/
- Monaco Editor: https://aleph-monaco-editor.deno.dev/
You can find the source code here: https://github.com/alephjs/aleph.js/tree/main/examples
Currently, we are working on the new architecture docs alephjs/alephjs.org#58, will publish a draft very soon, see you then!