An app for creating interactive flashcards from a list of terms saved in a Google Sheets spreadsheet document, allowing users to create flashcards from public lists or their own private lists. App uses Google Login and Google Drive & Sheets APIs to allow users to access their word lists and also uses firebase authentication, storage, and functions to allow users to revisit recently viewed lists.
- Find the app at hosted via Firebase (staging available at
- The app is not yet verified (work in progress)
- it currently only supports phones in portrait disiplay
- Overall the app is very rough but does off the basic functionality described
- Sign in with Google, which allows the app to locate and read saved word lists
- optional steps
- Create your own lists
- Create a Google Sheets spreadsheet document:
- Add terms
- one term per row
- first column: language being studied
- second column: intermediate representation (eg. pinyin, hiragana, phonetic spelling, etc...)
- third column: known language
- Give each sheet a meaningful name (tabs at the bottom of the page represent sheets). The app will regard each sheet as a different term list. See as an example
- Consider sharing your term lists
- Share the app to allow anyone with the link to view the document
- Email the link to the spreadsheet document to [email protected]
- Create your own lists
- Clone this repo
> npm install
- Create your own project and setup OAuth 2.0 as described at
- upadte src/assets/app.js to use your own project information
- development
- build
- Unix:
$> npm run build
- Windows:
> npm run buildw
- Unix:
- webpack dev serve:
> npm run dev
- optional: serve using firebase configuration
> npm install -g firebase-tools
> firebase serve
- build