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Braindead edited this page Feb 11, 2020 · 4 revisions

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If bot gets kicked/banned do I lose all my data?

All of the guild data is immediately deleted from the database.

What happens if I delete a role or remove it manually from a member?

If that role is tied to any licenses/active subscriptions they are immediately deleted/canceled from the database.

What is the precision of role expiration?

Bot checks for expired licenses on startup and each 60 seconds after startup.

Who can view/generate guild licenses?

Only those who have role administrator in the guild.

How are licenses generated, are they unique?

They are completely unique, comprised of 30 randomly generated characters.

Can I generate licenses for roles other than default guild role?

Use `!generate` command with custom arguments.
See **[github link]({self.github_bot_quick_start})** for example or just call `!help generate` for more info.

What's the maximum for role expire time?

Maximum time for expiry date is 12 months.

How many stored licenses per guild?

Limit for stored (unactivated) licenses is 100 per guild.

How many activated licenses per member?

Members can have unlimited subscriptions active at the same time!
(only limited by the Discord role limit per member which is 250).

What are the bot permissions for?

To avoid repeating see **[github link]({self.github_permissions_link})** where permissions are explained in detail.

What if I deny any of those permissions when inviting the bot?

Bot was over-engineered to deal with all sorts of exceptions but I don't guarantee the bot
will function properly or at all in that case.

Does the bot get updated? Will it affect usage?

There will be no breaking changes in updates, only improvements.
During the update you will see that bot has changed status to 'Update' or is offline.
During that time the bot may stop responding to commands, but this is only for <5 minutes.
After that everything is back to normal.