- clone this repo,
- install and run locally MongoDB,
- install pymongo
- run yadsimplemq/example/workgenerator.py it will create a lot of work for worker.
- and finally run yadsimplemq/example/workconsumer.py
- play with Worker arguments in yadsimplemq/example/workconsumer.py
Also you may try to use pip, theoretically it might work:
pip install git+https://github.com/akinfold/yad-simple-mq.git#egg=yad-simple-mq
- Make worker acknowledge finished tasks.
- Finish graceful worker termination mechanism.
- Add ability to get tasks results.
As it is just test project I'm add pymongo as requirement to make installation as simple as I can.
I know about AMQP, I even read some docs about it and use pika to interact with RabbitMQ in some past projects, but implement AMQP for test project it's madness. So I make BaseMessageQueue as simple as I can, but compatible with AMQP backend in some way.