Create nice json logs in stdout, easily to agregate and track under distributed systems with a simple automatic header X-Air-Trace-id!
Just pip install, and you are ready to write some nice logs!
pip install git+
from flask import Flask
from airlogger import flask, airutis
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['APP_NAME'] = 'MY NICE APP'
def hello_world():'some extra logs,included in my trace id stack', {'some': 'serializable meta'})
return 'Hello, World!'
The module is going to log the basic of your requests and responses. If you need to log more information about the requests or responses, like headers or body, register a hook in your app config:
def include_more_request_data(request):
# do the work
return serializable_dict
def include_more_response_data(response):
# do the work
return serializable_dict
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['APP_NAME'] = 'MY NICE APP'
app.config['AIR_HOOK_LOG_REQUEST'] = include_more_request_data
app.config['AIR_HOOK_LOG_RESPONSE'] = include_more_response_data
If you need to track requests across other microsservices, please use the requests module. The header X-Air-Trace-Id will be injected automatically in your next requests.
- Docs;
- Integration with Celery;
- Integration with FastAPI;