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Repository files navigation

The App is entirely build with AngularJS as a Single Page App and fetching the data through a REST API. You will notice that we are using a basic Node.js with Express configuration, this is just for deploying the App easily to the server such as Heroku.

Demo App on Heroku


Make sure you have Node.js and bower installed then the following commands to

Install Node.js packages

npm install

Install Bower packages

bower install

This will build all the files to the /public directory

gulp build
Development mode

This will start the development mode and initialize a localhost:3000 server to preview and watch file changes as you code, but make sure you run gulp build first.

gulp serve


Using Angular.js we communicate with GS1 REST API, you can visit GS1 API for documentation.


Label translations are done using angular-translate module, a simple key value object is defined in app/js/app.js to define translation labels. Whenever you need to add a new label, just add a simple object key, value pairs for example

'search_page_title': 'Search results for: '

With the corresponding Arabic label

'search_page_title': 'نتائج البحث عن: '

And you can use it in your partial as

{{ 'search_page_title' | translate }}
Switching between Language

You may ask, How the transition is done between a language to a another when I press the language button, That's a good question :)

The solution is simple.

First a $rootScope variable is defined to hold the main language


$rootScope.lang = 'en';

Then in LanguageController we do some stuff including changing the root language as

$rootScope.lang = langKey;

And a $broadcast to the $rootScope as

$rootScope.$broadcast('languageChange', {
  langKey: langKey

We listen to this this broadcast in different places including

  • Change the $rootScope.headers value that will be sent as a request header.
// app/js/app.js

$rootScope.$on('languageChange', function(event, data) {
  $rootScope.headers['Accept-Language'] = data.langKey;
  • Listen to this broadcast at any controller, for example the ProductsController at
// app/js/products/ProductsController.js

$rootScope.$on('languageChange', function() {

This will execute the getProducts() function and then update the view

The LanguageController also changes two different $rootScope variables

// app/js/app.js

$rootScope.default_float = 'left';
$rootScope.opposite_float = 'right';

These two values are used in HTML partials as helper classes used to define the directions

%div{class: "text-{{default_float}} {{default_float}}"}

This will be generated as

<!-- EN -->
<div class="text-left left"><div>

<!-- AR -->
<div class="text-right right"><div>

Angular Stuff

removeTrailingSlash filter is used with category name, because some times we get a category name like Food/Beverage/Tobacco and you can see the / in the name, this will make a conflict with Angular routes. So removeTrailingSlash is used to remove the / and add it in the controller to send it as a parameter.


Icons generated from fontello and could be used as:

%i{class: "demo-icon icon-search"}
%i{class: "demo-icon icon-globe"}
%i{class: "demo-icon icon-location"}
%i{class: "demo-icon icon-mobile"}
%i{class: "demo-icon icon-mail"}

Technology Used


AngularJS Directory App Connect with Gs1 Api







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