Welcome to the 3D avatar-based custom chatbot project for NTUC LearningHub! This chatbot offers an engaging and interactive experience with speech-to-speech and text-to-speech communication.
- 🗣️ Speech-to-Speech Interaction: Communicate with the chatbot using voice.
- 🗨️➡️🗣️ Text-to-Speech Conversion: Enter text and receive spoken responses.
This project utilizes the following technologies:
- React: For building the user interface.
- React Three Fiber: For integrating 3D elements into the application.
- Ready Player Me: For creating and customizing the 3D avatar.
You can view the live application and interact with the chatbot at: NTUC LearningHub Chatbot
Watch the demo video to see the 3D avatar-based chatbot in action:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ahmadafzal007/ntucLearningHub.git