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explicit description of the augmentation map
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loic-p committed Jan 21, 2025
1 parent c990ea3 commit ebbd453
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Showing 4 changed files with 103 additions and 28 deletions.
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Algebra/AbGroup/Instances/FreeAbGroup.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ open import Cubical.HITs.FreeAbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.Pi
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.Int
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.DirectProduct
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,3 +414,49 @@ agreeOnℤFinGenerator→≡ {n} {m} {ϕ} {ψ} idr =
λ f p IsGroupHom.presinv (snd ϕ) f
∙∙ (λ i x -ℤ (p i x))
∙∙ sym (IsGroupHom.presinv (snd ψ) f)))

sumCoefficients : (n : ℕ) AbGroupHom (ℤ[Fin n ]) (ℤ[Fin 1 ])
fst (sumCoefficients n) v = λ _ sumFinℤ v
snd (sumCoefficients n) = makeIsGroupHom (λ x y funExt λ _ sumFinℤHom x y)

ℤFinProductIso : (n m : ℕ) Iso (ℤ[Fin (n +ℕ m) ] .fst) ((AbDirProd ℤ[Fin n ] ℤ[Fin m ]) .fst)
ℤFinProductIso n m = iso sum→product product→sum product→sum→product sum→product→sum
sum→product : (ℤ[Fin (n +ℕ m) ] .fst) ((AbDirProd ℤ[Fin n ] ℤ[Fin m ]) .fst)
sum→product x = ((λ (a , Ha) x (a , <→<ᵗ (≤-trans (<ᵗ→< Ha) (≤SumLeft {n}{m}))))
, λ (a , Ha) x (n +ℕ a , <→<ᵗ (<-k+ {a}{m}{n} (<ᵗ→< Ha))))

product→sum : ((AbDirProd ℤ[Fin n ] ℤ[Fin m ]) .fst) (ℤ[Fin (n +ℕ m) ] .fst)
product→sum (x , y) (a , Ha) with (a ≟ᵗ n)
... | lt H = x (a , H)
... | eq H = y (a ∸ n , <→<ᵗ (subst (a ∸ n <_) (∸+ m n) (<-∸-< a (n +ℕ m) n (<ᵗ→< Ha) (subst (λ a a < n +ℕ m) H (<ᵗ→< Ha)))))
... | gt H = y (a ∸ n , <→<ᵗ (subst (a ∸ n <_) (∸+ m n) (<-∸-< a (n +ℕ m) n (<ᵗ→< Ha) (<ᵗ→< (<ᵗ-trans {n}{a}{n +ℕ m} H Ha)))))

product→sum→product : x sum→product (product→sum x) ≡ x
product→sum→product (x , y) = ≡-× (funExt (λ (a , Ha) lemx a Ha)) (funExt (λ (a , Ha) lemy a Ha))
lemx : (a : ℕ) (Ha : a <ᵗ n) fst (sum→product (product→sum (x , y))) (a , Ha) ≡ x (a , Ha)
lemx a Ha with (a ≟ᵗ n)
... | lt H = cong x (Fin≡ (a , H) (a , Ha) refl)
... | eq H = rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (λ a a <ᵗ n) H Ha))
... | gt H = rec (¬m<ᵗm (<ᵗ-trans Ha H))

lemy : (a : ℕ) (Ha : a <ᵗ m) snd (sum→product (product→sum (x , y))) (a , Ha) ≡ y (a , Ha)
lemy a Ha with ((n +ℕ a) ≟ᵗ n)
... | lt H = rec (¬m<m (≤<-trans (≤SumLeft {n}{a}) (<ᵗ→< H)))
... | eq H = cong y (Fin≡ _ _ (∸+ a n))
... | gt H = cong y (Fin≡ _ _ (∸+ a n))

sum→product→sum : x product→sum (sum→product x) ≡ x
sum→product→sum x = funExt (λ (a , Ha) lem a Ha)
lem : (a : ℕ) (Ha : a <ᵗ (n +ℕ m)) product→sum (sum→product x) (a , Ha) ≡ x (a , Ha)
lem a Ha with (a ≟ᵗ n)
... | lt H = cong x (Fin≡ _ _ refl)
... | eq H = cong x (Fin≡ _ _ ((+-comm n (a ∸ n)) ∙ ≤-∸-+-cancel (subst (n ≤_) (sym H) ≤-refl)))
... | gt H = cong x (Fin≡ _ _ ((+-comm n (a ∸ n)) ∙ ≤-∸-+-cancel (<-weaken (<ᵗ→< H))))

ℤFinProduct : (n m : ℕ) AbGroupIso ℤ[Fin (n +ℕ m) ] (AbDirProd ℤ[Fin n ] ℤ[Fin m ])
fst (ℤFinProduct n m) = ℤFinProductIso n m
snd (ℤFinProduct n m) = makeIsGroupHom (λ x y refl)
42 changes: 15 additions & 27 deletions Cubical/Algebra/ChainComplex/Homology.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,42 +35,30 @@ open ChainComplex
open finChainComplexMap
open IsGroupHom

-- Definition of homology
homology : (n : ℕ) ChainComplex ℓ Group ℓ
homology n C = ker∂n / img∂+1⊂ker∂n
Cn+2 = AbGroup→Group (chain C (suc (suc n)))
∂n = bdry C n
∂n+1 = bdry C (suc n)
ker∂n = kerGroup ∂n

-- Restrict ∂n+1 to ker∂n
∂'-fun : Cn+2 .fst ker∂n .fst
fst (∂'-fun x) = ∂n+1 .fst x
snd (∂'-fun x) = t
t : ⟨ fst (kerSubgroup ∂n) (∂n+1 .fst x) ⟩
t = funExt⁻ (cong fst (bdry²=0 C n)) x
module _ (n : ℕ) (C : ChainComplex ℓ) where
ker∂n = kerGroup (bdry C n)

∂' : GroupHom Cn+2 ker∂n
fst ∂' = ∂'-fun
snd ∂' = isHom
∂ker : GroupHom (AbGroup→Group (chain C (suc (suc n)))) ker∂n
∂ker .fst x = (bdry C (suc n) .fst x) , t
isHom : IsGroupHom (Cn+2 .snd) ∂'-fun (ker∂n .snd)
isHom = makeIsGroupHom λ x y
kerGroup≡ ∂n (∂n+1 .snd .pres· x y)
t : ⟨ fst (kerSubgroup (bdry C n)) (bdry C (suc n) .fst x) ⟩
t = funExt⁻ (cong fst (bdry²=0 C n)) x
∂ker .snd = makeIsGroupHom (λ x y kerGroup≡ (bdry C n) ((bdry C (suc n) .snd .pres· x y)))

img∂+1⊂ker∂n : NormalSubgroup ker∂n
fst img∂+1⊂ker∂n = imSubgroup ∂'
fst img∂+1⊂ker∂n = imSubgroup ∂ker
snd img∂+1⊂ker∂n = isNormalImSubGroup
module C1 = AbGroupStr (chain C (suc n) .snd)
isNormalImSubGroup : isNormal (imSubgroup ∂')
isNormalImSubGroup = isNormalIm ∂'
(λ x y kerGroup≡ ∂n (C1.+Comm (fst x) (fst y)))
isNormalImSubGroup : isNormal (imSubgroup ∂ker)
isNormalImSubGroup = isNormalIm ∂ker
(λ x y kerGroup≡ (bdry C n) (C1.+Comm (fst x) (fst y)))

-- Definition of homology
homology : (n : ℕ) ChainComplex ℓ Group ℓ
homology n C = (ker∂n n C) / (img∂+1⊂ker∂n n C)

-- Induced maps on cohomology by finite chain complex maps/homotopies
module _ where
Expand Down
36 changes: 35 additions & 1 deletion Cubical/CW/ChainComplex.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,14 +10,17 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Inductive
open import Cubical.Data.Int renaming (_+_ to _+ℤ_ ; _·_ to _·ℤ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to emptyrec)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Properties
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn.Degree renaming (degreeConst to degree-const)
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +189,26 @@ module _ {ℓ} (C : CWskel ℓ) where
∂≡∂↑ : ∂ n ≡ ∂↑
∂≡∂↑ = bouquetDegreeSusp (pre∂ n)

-- alternative description of the boundary for 1-dimensional cells
module ∂₀ where
src₀ : Fin (C .snd .fst 1) Fin (C .snd .fst 0)
src₀ x = CW₁-discrete C .fst (C .snd .snd .fst 1 (x , true))

dest₀ : Fin (C .snd .fst 1) Fin (C .snd .fst 0)
dest₀ x = CW₁-discrete C .fst (C .snd .snd .fst 1 (x , false))

src : AbGroupHom (ℤ[A 1 ]) (ℤ[A 0 ])
src = ℤFinFunct src₀

dest : AbGroupHom (ℤ[A 1 ]) (ℤ[A 0 ])
dest = ℤFinFunct dest₀

∂₀ : AbGroupHom (ℤ[A 1 ]) (ℤ[A 0 ])
∂₀ = subtrGroupHom (ℤ[A 1 ]) (ℤ[A 0 ]) dest src

-- ∂₀-alt :0 ≡ ∂₀
-- ∂₀-alt = agreeOnℤFinGenerator→≡ λ x → funExt λ a → {!!}

-- augmentation map, in order to define reduced homology
module augmentation where
ε : Susp (cofibCW 0 C) SphereBouquet 1 (Fin 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,6 +246,17 @@ module _ {ℓ} (C : CWskel ℓ) where
ϵ : AbGroupHom (ℤ[A 0 ]) (ℤ[Fin 1 ])
ϵ = bouquetDegree preϵ

ϵ-alt : ϵ ≡ sumCoefficients _
ϵ-alt = GroupHom≡ (funExt λ (x : ℤ[A 0 ] .fst) funExt λ y cong sumFinℤ (funExt (lem1 x y)))
An = snd C .fst 0

lem0 : (y : Fin 1) (a : Fin An) (degree _ (pickPetal {k = 1} y ∘ preϵ ∘ inr ∘ (a ,_))) ≡ pos 1
lem0 (zero , y₁) a = refl

lem1 : (x : ℤ[A 0 ] .fst) (y : Fin 1) (a : Fin An) x a ·ℤ (degree _ (pickPetal {k = 1} y ∘ preϵ ∘ inr ∘ (a ,_))) ≡ x a
lem1 x y a = cong (x a ·ℤ_) (lem0 y a) ∙ ·IdR (x a)

ϵ∂≡0 : compGroupHom (∂ 0) ϵ ≡ trivGroupHom
ϵ∂≡0 = sym (bouquetDegreeComp (preϵ) (preboundary.pre∂ 0))
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Data/Fin/Inductive/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base using (move4)

Fin≡ : {m : ℕ} (a b : Fin m) fst a ≡ fst b a ≡ b
Fin≡ {m} (a , Ha) (b , Hb) H i =
(H i , hcomp (λ j λ { (i = i0) Ha
; (i = i1) isProp<ᵗ {b}{m} (transp (λ j H j <ᵗ m) i0 Ha) Hb j })
(transp (λ j H (i ∧ j) <ᵗ m) (~ i) Ha))

fsuc-injectSuc : {m : ℕ} (n : Fin m)
injectSuc {n = suc m} (fsuc {n = m} n) ≡ fsuc (injectSuc n)
fsuc-injectSuc {m = suc m} (x , p) = refl
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