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aljungstrom committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent 7e3653a commit 158b440
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Showing 10 changed files with 161 additions and 83 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Foundations/Path.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -410,6 +410,16 @@ compPathR→PathP∙∙ {p = p} {q = q} {r = r} {s = s} P j i =
; (j = i1) doubleCompPath-filler p s (sym q) (~ k) i})
(P j i)

PathP→compPathR∙∙ : {a b c d : A} {p : a ≡ c} {q : b ≡ d} {r : a ≡ b} {s : c ≡ d}
PathP (λ i p i ≡ q i) r s
r ≡ p ∙∙ s ∙∙ sym q
PathP→compPathR∙∙ {p = p} {q = q} {r = r} {s = s} P j i =
hcomp (λ k λ { (i = i0) p (j ∧ ~ k)
; (i = i1) q (j ∧ ~ k)
; (j = i0) r i
; (j = i1) doubleCompPath-filler p s (sym q) k i})
(P j i)

compPath→Square-faces : {a b c d : A} (p : a ≡ c) (q : b ≡ d) (r : a ≡ b) (s : c ≡ d)
(i j k : I) Partial (i ∨ ~ i ∨ j ∨ ~ j) A
compPath→Square-faces p q r s i j k = λ where
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/Foundations/Prelude.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,6 +87,16 @@ cong₂ : {C : (a : A) → (b : B a) → Type ℓ} →
cong₂ f p q i = f (p i) (q i)
{-# INLINE cong₂ #-}

cong₃ : {C : (a : A) (b : B a) Type ℓ}
{D : (a : A) (b : B a) C a b Type ℓ'}
(f : (a : A) (b : B a) (c : C a b) D a b c)
{x y : A} (p : x ≡ y)
{u : B x} {v : B y} (q : PathP (λ i B (p i)) u v)
{s : C x u} {t : C y v} (r : PathP (λ i C (p i) (q i)) s t)
PathP (λ i D (p i) (q i) (r i)) (f x u s) (f y v t)
cong₃ f p q r i = f (p i) (q i) (r i)
{-# INLINE cong₃ #-}

congP₂ : {A : I Type ℓ} {B : (i : I) A i Type ℓ'}
{C : (i : I) (a : A i) B i a Type ℓ''}
(f : (i : I) (a : A i) (b : B i a) C i a b)
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Cubical/HITs/Sn/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ private
open Iso

σSn : (n : ℕ) S₊ n Path (S₊ (suc n)) (ptSn (suc n)) (ptSn (suc n))
σSn zero false = loop
σSn zero true = refl
σSn zero = cong SuspBool→S¹ ∘ merid
σSn (suc n) x = toSusp (S₊∙ (suc n)) x

σS : {n : ℕ} S₊ n Path (S₊ (suc n)) (ptSn _) (ptSn _)
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Cubical/HITs/Susp/Properties.agda
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Expand Up @@ -378,3 +378,12 @@ toSusp-invSusp A (merid a i) j =
λ r flipSquare (sym (rUnit refl)
◁ (flipSquare (sym (sym≡cong-sym r))
▷ rUnit refl)))

-- co-H-space structure
·Susp : {ℓ'} (A : Pointed ℓ) {B : Pointed ℓ'}
(f g : Susp∙ (typ A) →∙ B) Susp∙ (typ A) →∙ B
fst (·Susp A {B = B} f g) north = pt B
fst (·Susp A {B = B} f g) south = pt B
fst (·Susp A {B = B} f g) (merid a i) =
(Ω→ f .fst (toSusp A a) ∙ Ω→ g .fst (toSusp A a)) i
snd (·Susp A f g) = refl
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions Cubical/Homotopy/Group/Base.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,12 +117,7 @@ fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc zero} (f , p) (g , q)) base = pt A
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc zero} (f , p) (g , q)) (loop j) =
((sym p ∙∙ cong f loop ∙∙ p) ∙ (sym q ∙∙ cong g loop ∙∙ q)) j
snd (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc zero} (f , p) (g , q)) = refl
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} (f , p) (g , q)) north = pt A
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} (f , p) (g , q)) south = pt A
fst (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} (f , p) (g , q)) (merid a j) =
((sym p ∙∙ cong f (merid a ∙ sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) ∙∙ p)
∙ (sym q ∙∙ cong g (merid a ∙ sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) ∙∙ q)) j
snd (∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} (f , p) (g , q)) = refl
∙Π {A = A} {n = suc (suc n)} = ·Susp (S₊∙ (suc n))

: {ℓ} {A : Pointed ℓ} {n : ℕ}
(S₊∙ n →∙ A)
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34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions Cubical/Homotopy/Group/Pi4S3/BrunerieNumber.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn.Multiplication
open import Cubical.HITs.Join
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.Wedge
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,21 +400,22 @@ module _ where
-- first need the following:
fold∘W≡Whitehead :
fst (π'∘∙Hom 2 (fold∘W , refl)) ∣ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂
≡ ∣ [ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2) ∣ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2) ] ∣₂
≡ ∣ [ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2) ∣ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2) ] ∣₂
fold∘W≡Whitehead =
pRec (squash₂ _ _)
(cong ∣_∣₂)
(indΠ₃S₂ _ _
(funExt (λ x funExt⁻ (sym (cong fst (id∨→∙id {A = S₊∙ 2}))) (W x))))
cong ∣_∣₂ (ΣPathP (funExt (main ∘ sphere→Join 1 1) , refl))
indΠ₃S₂ : {ℓ} {A : Pointed ℓ}
(f g : A →∙ S₊∙ 2)
fst f ≡ fst g ∥ f ≡ g ∥₁
indΠ₃S₂ {A = A} f g p =
trRec squash₁
(λ r ∣ ΣPathP (p , r) ∣₁)
(isConnectedPathP 1 {A = (λ i p i (snd A) ≡ north)}
(isConnectedPathSⁿ 1 (fst g (pt A)) north) (snd f) (snd g) .fst )
main : (x : _) fold⋁ (joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ 1} {B = S₊∙ 1} x)
≡ fst [ idfun∙ (Susp S¹ , north)
∣ idfun∙ (Susp S¹ , north) ]-pre x
main (inl x) = refl
main (inr x) = refl
main (push a b i) j = help j i
help : cong (fold⋁ ∘ joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ 1} {B = S₊∙ 1}) (push a b)
≡ (σS b ∙ refl) ∙ σS a ∙ refl
help = cong-∙∙ fold⋁ _ _ _
∙ doubleCompPath≡compPath _ _ _
∙ cong₂ _∙_ (rUnit _) (sym (lUnit (σS a)) ∙ rUnit (σS a))

BrunerieIsoAbstract : GroupEquiv (π'Gr 3 (S₊∙ 3)) (abstractℤGroup/ Brunerie)
BrunerieIsoAbstract =
Expand All @@ -431,12 +433,10 @@ BrunerieIsoAbstract =
fst (π'∘∙Hom 2 (fold∘W , refl))
(Iso.inv (fst (πₙ'Sⁿ≅ℤ 2)) 1)
≡ [ ∣ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2) ∣₂ ∣ ∣ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2) ∣₂ ]π'
mainPath =
cong (fst (π'∘∙Hom 2 (fold∘W , refl)))
mainPath = cong (fst (π'∘∙Hom 2 (fold∘W , refl)))
(cong (Iso.inv (fst (πₙ'Sⁿ≅ℤ 2))) (sym (πₙ'Sⁿ≅ℤ-idfun∙ 2))
∙ (Iso.leftInv (fst (πₙ'Sⁿ≅ℤ 2)) ∣ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 3) ∣₂))
∙ fold∘W≡Whitehead
∙ cong ∣_∣₂ (sym ([]≡[]₂ (idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2)) (idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2))))
∙ fold∘W≡Whitehead

main : _ ≡ Brunerie
main i = abs (HopfInvariant-π' 0 (mainPath i))
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions Cubical/Homotopy/HopfInvariant/Brunerie.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -391,8 +391,7 @@ Brunerie'≡2 = BrunerieNumLem.main (Hⁿ⁺ᵐ-Sⁿ×Sᵐ≅ℤ-abs 1 1) Hⁿ
-- number in Brunerie (2016)
Brunerie'≡Brunerie : [ ∣ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2) ∣₂ ∣ ∣ idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2) ∣₂ ]π' ≡ ∣ fold∘W , refl ∣₂
Brunerie'≡Brunerie =
cong ∣_∣₂ ([]≡[]₂ (idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2)) (idfun∙ (S₊∙ 2)) )
∙ sym fold∘W≡Whitehead
sym fold∘W≡Whitehead
∙ cong ∣_∣₂ (∘∙-idˡ (fold∘W , refl))

-- And we get the main result
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164 changes: 110 additions & 54 deletions Cubical/Homotopy/Whitehead.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,25 @@ open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open Iso
open 3x3-span

-- Whitehead product (main definition)
[_∣_]-pre : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
(S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ X)
(S₊∙ (suc m) →∙ X)
join∙ (S₊∙ n) (S₊∙ m) →∙ X
fst ([_∣_]-pre {X = X} {n = n} {m = m} f g) (inl x) = pt X
fst ([_∣_]-pre {X = X} {n = n} {m = m} f g) (inr x) = pt X
fst ([_∣_]-pre {n = n} {m = m} f g) (push a b i) =
(Ω→ g .fst (σS b) ∙ Ω→ f .fst (σS a)) i
snd ([_∣_]-pre {n = n} {m = m} f g) = refl

[_∣_] : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
(S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ X)
(S₊∙ (suc m) →∙ X)
S₊∙ (suc (n + m)) →∙ X
[_∣_] {n = n} {m = m} f g =
[ f ∣ g ]-pre ∘∙ (sphere→Join n m , IsoSphereJoin⁻Pres∙ n m)

-- Whitehead product (as a composition)
joinTo⋁ : {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'}
join (typ A) (typ B)
(Susp (typ A) , north) ⋁ (Susp (typ B) , north)
Expand All @@ -36,63 +55,100 @@ joinTo⋁ {A = A} {B = B} (push a b i) =
∙∙ sym (push tt)
∙∙ λ i inl (σ A a i)) i

-- Whitehead product (main definition)
[_∣_] : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
[_∣_]comp : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
(S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ X)
(S₊∙ (suc m) →∙ X)
S₊∙ (suc (n + m)) →∙ X
fst ([_∣_] {X = X} {n = n} {m = m} f g) x =
_∨→_ (f ∘∙ (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp n) , IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n))
(g ∘∙ (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp m) , IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m))
(joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ n} {B = S₊∙ m}
(inv (IsoSphereJoin n m) x))
snd ([_∣_] {n = n} {m = m} f g) =
cong (_∨→_ (f ∘∙ (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp n) , IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n))
(g ∘∙ (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp m) , IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m)))
(cong (joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ n} {B = S₊∙ m}) (IsoSphereJoin⁻Pres∙ n m))
∙ cong (fst g) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m)
∙ snd g

-- For Sⁿ, Sᵐ with n, m ≥ 2, we can avoid some bureaucracy. We make
-- a separate definition and prove it equivalent.
[_∣_]-pre : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
(S₊∙ (suc (suc n)) →∙ X)
(S₊∙ (suc (suc m)) →∙ X)
join (typ (S₊∙ (suc n))) (typ (S₊∙ (suc m))) fst X
[_∣_]-pre {n = n} {m = m} f g x =
_∨→_ f g
(joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ (suc n)} {B = S₊∙ (suc m)}

[_∣_]₂ : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
(S₊∙ (suc (suc n)) →∙ X)
(S₊∙ (suc (suc m)) →∙ X)
S₊∙ (suc ((suc n) + (suc m))) →∙ X
fst ([_∣_]₂ {n = n} {m = m} f g) x =
[ f ∣ g ]-pre (inv (IsoSphereJoin (suc n) (suc m)) x)
snd ([_∣_]₂ {n = n} {m = m} f g) =
cong ([ f ∣ g ]-pre) (IsoSphereJoin⁻Pres∙ (suc n) (suc m))
∙ snd g

[]≡[]₂ : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
(f : (S₊∙ (suc (suc n)) →∙ X))
(g : (S₊∙ (suc (suc m)) →∙ X))
[ f ∣ g ] ≡ [ f ∣ g ]₂
[]≡[]₂ {n = n} {m = m} f g =
ΣPathP (
(λ i x _∨→_ (∘∙-idˡ f i)
(∘∙-idˡ g i)
(joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ (suc n)} {B = S₊∙ (suc m)}
(inv (IsoSphereJoin (suc n) (suc m)) x)))
, (cong (cong (_∨→_ (f ∘∙ idfun∙ _)
(g ∘∙ idfun∙ _))
(cong (joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ (suc n)} {B = S₊∙ (suc m)})
(IsoSphereJoin⁻Pres∙ (suc n) (suc m))) ∙_)
(sym (lUnit (snd g)))
λ j (λ i _∨→_ (∘∙-idˡ f j)
(∘∙-idˡ g j)
( joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ (suc n)} {B = S₊∙ (suc m)}
((IsoSphereJoin⁻Pres∙ (suc n) (suc m)) i))) ∙ snd g))
[_∣_]comp {n = n} {m = m} f g =
(((f ∘∙ (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp n) , IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n))
∨→ (g ∘∙ (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp m) , IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m))
, cong (fst f) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n) ∙ snd f)
∘∙ ((joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ n} {B = S₊∙ m} , sym (push tt))))
∘∙ (inv (IsoSphereJoin n m) , IsoSphereJoin⁻Pres∙ n m)

[]comp≡[] : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
(f : (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ X))
(g : (S₊∙ (suc m) →∙ X))
[ f ∣ g ]comp ≡ [ f ∣ g ]
[]comp≡[] {X = X} {n = n} {m} f g =
cong (_∘∙ (sphere→Join n m , IsoSphereJoin⁻Pres∙ n m)) (main n m f g)
∨fun : {n m : ℕ} (f : (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ X)) (g : (S₊∙ (suc m) →∙ X))
((_ , inl north) →∙ X)
∨fun {n = n} {m} f g =
((f ∘∙ (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp n) , IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n)) ∨→
(g ∘∙ (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp m) , IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m))
, cong (fst f) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n) ∙ snd f)

open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
main : (n m : ℕ) (f : (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ X)) (g : (S₊∙ (suc m) →∙ X))
(∨fun f g ∘∙ (joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ n} {B = S₊∙ m} , sym (push tt)))
≡ [ f ∣ g ]-pre
main n m f g =
ΣPathP ((funExt (λ { (inl x) rp
; (inr x) lp
; (push a b i) j pushcase a b j i}))
, ((cong₂ _∙_ (symDistr _ _) refl
∙ sym (assoc _ _ _)
∙ cong (rp ∙_) (rCancel _)
∙ sym (rUnit rp))
λ i j rp (i ∨ j)))
lp = cong (fst f) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n) ∙ snd f
rp = cong (fst g) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m) ∙ snd g

help : (n : ℕ) (a : _)
Square (cong (inv (IsoSucSphereSusp n)) (σ (S₊∙ n) a)) (σS a)
(IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n)
help zero a = cong-∙ SuspBool→S¹ (merid a) (sym (merid (pt (S₊∙ zero))))
∙ sym (rUnit _)
help (suc n) a = refl

∙∙Distr∙ : {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {x y z w u : A}
{p : x ≡ y} {q : y ≡ z} {r : z ≡ w} {s : w ≡ u}
p ∙∙ q ∙ r ∙∙ s ≡ ((p ∙ q) ∙ r ∙ s)
∙∙Distr∙ = doubleCompPath≡compPath _ _ _
∙ assoc _ _ _
∙ cong₂ _∙_ (assoc _ _ _) refl
∙ sym (assoc _ _ _)

pushcase : (a : S₊ n) (b : S₊ m)
Square (cong (∨fun f g .fst ∘ joinTo⋁ {A = S₊∙ n} {B = S₊∙ m}) (push a b))
(cong (fst [ f ∣ g ]-pre) (push a b))
rp lp
pushcase a b =
(cong-∙∙ (∨fun f g .fst) _ _ _
∙ (λ i cong (fst g) (PathP→compPathR∙∙ (help _ b) i)
∙∙ symDistr lp (sym rp) i
∙∙ cong (fst f) (PathP→compPathR∙∙ (help _ a) i))
∙ (λ i cong (fst g)
(IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m
∙∙ σS b
∙∙ (λ j IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m (~ j ∨ i)))
∙∙ compPath-filler' (cong (fst g) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m)) (snd g) (~ i)
∙ sym (compPath-filler' (cong (fst f) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n)) (snd f) (~ i))
∙∙ cong (fst f)
((λ j IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n (i ∨ j))
∙∙ σS a
∙∙ sym (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n))))
◁ compPathR→PathP∙∙
( ∙∙Distr∙
∙ cong₂ _∙_ (cong₂ _∙_ (cong (cong (fst g)) (sym (compPath≡compPath' _ _)))
∙ cong₂ _∙_ (cong (_∙ snd g) (cong-∙ (fst g) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m) (σS b))
∙ sym (assoc _ _ _))
(cong (sym (snd f) ∙_)
(cong-∙ (fst f) (σS a)
(sym (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n)))
∙ assoc _ _ _)
∙ sym ∙∙Distr∙
∙ cong₃ _∙∙_∙∙_ refl (cong₂ _∙_ refl (compPath≡compPath' _ _)) refl
λ i compPath-filler (cong (fst g) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ m)) (snd g) i
∙∙ ((λ j snd g (~ j ∧ i)) ∙∙ cong (fst g) (σS b) ∙∙ snd g)
∙ (sym (snd f) ∙∙ cong (fst f) (σS a) ∙∙ λ j snd f (j ∧ i))
∙∙ sym (compPath-filler (cong (fst f) (IsoSucSphereSusp∙ n)) (snd f) i))

-- Homotopy group version
[_∣_]π' : {ℓ} {X : Pointed ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cubical/Papers/Pi4S3-JournalVersion.agda
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Expand Up @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ open James₁ using (IsoΩ∥SuspS²∥₅∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅)

-- Definition 4.8: W + whitehead product
W = joinTo⋁
open Whitehead using ([_∣_])
open Whitehead using ([_∣_])

-- Theorem 4.9 is omitted as it is used implicitly in the proof of the main result

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cubical/Papers/Pi4S3.agda
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Expand Up @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ open SMult using (IsoSphereJoin)

-- Definition 6: W + whitehead product
W = joinTo⋁
open Whitehead using ([_∣_])
open Whitehead using ([_∣_])

-- Theorem 3 is omitted as it is used implicitly in the proof of the main result

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