A study by colleague Maija Kale (University of Latvia) - https://github.com/Maijyta & Ebenezer Agbozo (Ural Federal University) on Complexity of food consumption: deconstructing recipes.
This algorithm is the basis for our presentation at the 14th International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication "Linking Senses: Cross-Modality in Perceptual Domains across Cultures"
The following libraries are essential to running the algorithms
- library(tidyverse)
- library(tidytext)
- library(topicmodels)
- library(tm)
- library(SnowballC)
- library(dplyr)
- library(ggplot2)
- library(dplyr)
- library(stringr)
- library(sqldf)
- library(tidyr)
- library(udpipe)
- Mexican Cusisines (Mexican.json)
- American Cusisines (American.json)
Publication: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2612/paper4.pdf arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.05552
Dataset source : Yummly 66k (W. Min, B. K. Bao, S. Mei, Y. Zhu, Y. Rui, and S. Jiang. 2018a. You are what you eat: Exploring rich recipe information for cross-region food analysis. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20, 4 (2018), 950–964.) http://isia.ict.ac.cn/dataset/Yummly-66K.html. https://github.com/minweiqing/You-Are-What-You-Eat-Exploring-Rich-Recipe-Information-for-Cross-Region-Food-Analysis