Tanks v1.2.0
What's new in Tanks v1.2.0:
New features:
- Added light pink tank which gets angry when it sees you
- Added mimic tank which mimics the behavior a nearby tank
- Dummy tanks can be now used in the level editor
- Added support for Steam peer-to-peer multiplayer
- You can now override the game's default resources
- Tanks no longer take damage after the battle has ended
- Blue tank electricity now only arcs between 4 targets (from 6)
- Cyan tank freeze duration decreased by 1 second
- Large timed levels have longer timers
- Orangered tank is now immune to explosion damage
- Improved the crusade editor level edit menu
- Changed light block appearance
- Fireworks are more varied and prettier!
- Medic tank cross is now green
- Performance improvements
...and, of course, bug fixes and other improvements