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Adzerk Android SDK

An Android SDK for the Adzerk Native and UserDB APIs


Grab via gradle

implementation 'com.adzerk:sdk:2.3.+'

The SDK uses Java 8 and supports a minimum Android 5.1 (API level 22).

To target a client application with minimum SDK <26, refer to the Android Java 8 support documentation.


Create an instance of the AdzerkSdk for your networkId:

AdzerkSdk sdk = new AdzerkSdk.Builder().networkId(23L).build();

Create an instance of the AdzerkSdk and also provide a hostname:

AdzerkSdk sdk = new AdzerkSdk.Builder().networkId(23L).hostname("").build();

Build a request for placements

Request request = new Request.Builder()
      .addPlacement(new Placement("div1", <site_id>, <ad_types...>))
      .addPlacement(new Placement("div2", <site_id>, <ad_types...>))
      .addPlacement(new Placement("div3", <site_id>, <ad_types...>))

Submit the request and get a callback for the response

sdk.requestPlacement(request, listener);

Get content and decisions from the response

public void success(Response response) {
    Decision firstDecision = response.getDecisions("div1").get(0);
    // ...

@since SDK v2.2.0+

Recording Impression & Clicks

Use with the fetch ad example above.

// Impression pixel; fire when user sees the ad
String impUrl = decision.getImpressionUrl();
sdk.firePixel(impUrl, listener);
// Click pixel; fire when user clicks on the ad
String clickUrl = decision.getClickUrl();
sdk.firePixel(clickUrl, listener);

Modifying the revenue

// Click pixel; fire when user clicks on the ad and modify the click revenue
//   OVERRIDE: replaces the revenue value of the click/event 
//   ADDITIONAL: adds the specified value to the original revenue value of the click/event
String clickUrl = decision.getClickUrl();
sdk.firePixel(clickUrl, revenue, RevenueModifierType.OVERRIDE, null, listener);

Setting the gross merchandise value for the event.

// Click pixel; fire when user clicks on the ad and modify the click revenue
//   OVERRIDE: replaces the revenue value of the click/event 
//   ADDITIONAL: adds the specified value to the original revenue value of the click/event
String clickUrl = decision.getClickUrl();
Float grossMerchandiseValue = 1.5f;
sdk.firePixel(clickUrl, revenue, RevenueModifierType.ADDITIONAL, grossMerchandiseValue, listener);

Handle the fire pixel response

// status: HTTP status code
// location: click target URL
public void success(FirePixelResponse response) {
   Log.d(TAG, "Fired! " +
      "status: " + response.getStatusCode() + " " +
      "location: " + response.getLocation());

Additional Options

Additional optional parameters supported by the API may be specified via the Builder on the Request or Placement.

Example: to specify eCPM partitions for a Placement:

String[] ecpmPartitions = new String[]{"main", "detail", "footer"};
Request request = new Request.Builder()
    .addPlacement(new Placement("div1", 1133898L, 163)
        .addAdditionalOption("ecpmPartitions", ecpmPartitions))

@since SDK v2.1.0+

Distance Targeting

Distance Targeting is supported via Additional Options on the request.

val request = new Request.Builder()
    .addPlacement(Placement("div1", 1133898, (163)))
    .addAdditionalOption("intendedLatitude", 35.91868)
    .addAdditionalOption("intendedLongitude", -78.96001)
    .addAdditionalOption("radius", 50)

Multi-Winner Placements

A multi-winner placement returns multiple selections inside a single placement object.

To request multiple winners, specify a count for the Placement object. This requests the maximum number of winners (selections) that can be included in the placement.

Request request = new Request.Builder()
   .addPlacement(new Placement("div1", <site_id>, <ad_types...>).setCount(3))

@since SDK v2.0.0+

GDPR Consent

Consent preferences can be specified when building a request. For example, to set GDPR consent for tracking in the European Union (this defaults to false):

Request request = new Request.Builder(placements)
    .setUser(new User(key))
    .setConsent(new Consent(true))

@since SDK v0.4.0+


Use gradlew to build library archive

./gradlew assemble

output: sdk/build/outputs/aar


Run unit tests

./gradlew test

Specify --rerun-tasks to rerun up-to-date tests. To view test reports see:

output: sdk/build/reports/tests


Generate the SDK documentation

./gradlew javadoc

output: sdk/build/docs/javadoc


Update the version string properties in sdk/build.gradle

Either get a copy of the Kevel Engineering signing key or generate a new signing key using the instructions here:

Update ~/.gradle/ with your signing information.

./gradlew uploadArchive

Login in to Sonatype OSS, locate the staging package, close, and release it.


Access Adzerk's ad serving APIs via Android







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