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Local file inclusion vulnerability in http4s

Critical severity GitHub Reviewed Published Mar 25, 2020 in http4s/http4s • Updated Jan 9, 2023


maven org.http4s:http4s-server_2.12 (Maven)

Affected versions

< 0.18.26
>= 0.19.0, < 0.20.20
>= 0.21.0, < 0.21.2

Patched versions




This vulnerability applies to all users of:

  • org.http4s.server.staticcontent.FileService
  • org.http4s.server.staticcontent.ResourceService
  • org.http4s.server.staticcontent.WebjarService

Path escaping

URI normalization is applied incorrectly. Requests whose path info contain ../ or // can expose resources outside of the configured location. Specifically:

  • FileService may expose any file on the local file system.
  • ResourceService may expose any resource on the class path.

Prefix matching

When the service is configured with a non-empty pathPrefix that doesn't end in a slash, any directories whose names are a prefix of systemPath (from FileService) or pathPrefix (from ResourceService) are exposed. For example, if pathPrefix is /foo and systemPath is /bar, a request to /foobaz/quux.txt exposes file /barbaz/quux.txt, when only files beneath /bar should be available.

URI decoding

URI segments are not decoded before resource resolution. This causes resources with reserved characters in their name to incorrectly return a 404. It also may incorrectly expose the rare resource whose name is URI encoded. This applies to FileService, ResourceService, and WebjarService.


In all three services, paths with an empty segment, a . segment, or a .. segment are now rejected with a 400 Bad Request response. This fixes exposure outside the configured root. Many clients already eliminate dot segments according to the rules in RFC3986, Section 5.2.4. A middleware that does so at the server level may be considered if there is demand.

If pathInfo is non-empty, and does not begin with /, then a 404 response is generated. This fixes the prefix matching exposure.

All path segments are URI decoded before being passed to the file system or resource path. This allows resolution of resources with reserved characters in the name, and prevents incorrect exposure of resources whose names are themselves URI encoded.


The recommended course is to upgrade:

  • v0.18.26, binary compatible with the 0.18.x series
  • v0.20.20, binary compatible with the 0.20.x series
  • v0.21.2, binary compatible with the 0.21.x series

Note that 0.19.0 is a deprecated release and has never been supported.

If an upgrade is impossible:

  • Temporarily copy FileService.scala, ResourceService.scala, and WebjarService.scala from the appropriate release series into your project and recompile with that, changing the package name and reference in your application.
  • Users of a servlet backend can use the servlet container's file serving capabilities.


Thank you to Thomas Gøytil for the discovery, responsible disclosure, and assistance testing of this vulnerability.

For more information

If you have any questions or comments about this advisory:


@rossabaker rossabaker published to http4s/http4s Mar 25, 2020
Reviewed Mar 25, 2020
Published to the GitHub Advisory Database Mar 25, 2020
Last updated Jan 9, 2023



EPSS score

Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS)

This score estimates the probability of this vulnerability being exploited within the next 30 days. Data provided by FIRST.
(90th percentile)






Source code

No known source code
This advisory has been edited. See History.
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