This Repository is based on the repository of LivingMatterLab here. To reproduce the results on a Windows Machine:
- Install Anaconda
- Use the file "Windows_requirements.txt" to setup a conda environment. Instructions on how to create the environment file is in the file.
- After settng up the environment, First run the file ''. The file generates data points and writes it to "deep_data.txt".
- Now, restart the console or use a new console from this point onwards. This step is essential since uses deepXDE which sets the flag tf.enable_eager_execution to false which is true by default and is required to be true for the remaining execution.
- Now, run the file program will generate a graph comparnng the neural network results with the true value. For a Linux/Mac system use the file requirements.txt with pip to set the required packages to the desired versions. Execution of the program is same as for Windows.