repoBuilder automates the creation of GitHub repositories from your local command line using the Github_api.
##We have created a single repository for project euler solutions, so this method of creating repositories is deprecated.
First make sure you have ruby (1.9.3+) installed. Check this with
ruby -v
If you don't have ruby installed, then run
sudo apt-get install ruby
If you are on Windows go here and run the Ruby installer
After cloning the repository with
git clone
into the directory and run
gem install bundler
and then run
bundle install
Be sure to get your own client_id and client_secret by registering the app under your github account. A tutorial for doing this can be found here
After you get your id/secret put them in a file called keys.txt
with ID on line 1 and Secret on line 2.
Finally, run
ruby repo.rb
Currently you can create a repo and initialize it with a default
. When the repo is created, be sure to update
with the correct information from the problem!