"Grasy, The Gravatar Synchronizer" is an android application that offers you an easy way to stay in touch with your friends and theirs gravatar profiles.
"Grasy, The Gravatar Synchronizer" is written by Alexandre COLLIGNON [email protected] and Fabien CHAILLOU.
"Grasy, The Gravatar Synchronizer" is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.
All the sources and resources of the project are avaible in our Git repository hosted by github.com.To start hacking, check out the code with this command line :
git clone https://github.com/acollign/Grasy
Feel free to join us and contribute to the project. We need developpers, designers, translators... the only required skill is the motivation !
The project is composed of 3 parts :
Grasy is the android application eclipse project (the source code) ;
GrasyDoc contains all the documentation of the project ;
GrasyTest is a set of unit tests eclipse project.
Here is a list of applications that we used to work on "Grasy, The Gravatar Synchronizer" :
Eclipse as a Java IDE that made Android development easy, see eclipse.org and http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html ;
Pencil as a sketching and prototyping tool, see http://pencil.evolus.vn ;
Gedit and is gedit-markdown plugin as a markdown file editor, see http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/ and http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/MarkdownSupport.