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knoxcli command options

	asset list
	cluster alerts
	cluster list
	cluster policy

Executing image...

[asset list] options

List the assets.

Supported options:

-f | --filter [value] => filter to be used with image list. 
--assetjq [value] => jq based filter to use with asset list. 
-h | --help => help for cluster list. 


1. knoxcli asset list
	... list all the assets
2. knoxcli asset list --filter "asset_category=Container" --assetjq ".results[] | select(.vulnerabilities.Critical >= 3)"
	... list all the 

Asset Categories list

  1. Container
  2. Storage

check further [cluster] options ...

[cluster alerts] options

Show alerts in the context of clusters. These alerts could be from KubeArmor, Network policies, Admission controllers or anything else as reported in "Monitors & Alerts" option in AccuKnox Control Plane.

Supported options:

--type [value] => set alert type (default: kubearmor). 
--clusterjq [value] => jq filter to be used on cluster list output (default: '.[]'). 
--alertjq [value] => jq filter to be used on cluster list output (default: '.'). 
-f | --filters [value] => Alert filters to be passed to API (default: ''). 
-s | --stime [value] => start time in epoch format (default: ). 
-e | --etime [value] => end time in epoch format (default: now). 
-h | --help => help with the options. 


1. knoxcli cluster alerts --alertjq '.response[] | select(.Resource // "unknown" | test("ziggy"))'
	... list all the alerts containing 'ziggy' in the Resource filter
2. knoxcli cluster alerts --filters '{"field":"HostName","value":"store54055","op":"match"}' --alertjq '.response[] | "hostname=\(.HostName),resource=\(.Resource//""),UID=\(.UID),operation=\(.Operation)"'
	... get all alerts for HostName="store54055" and print the response in following csv format hostname,resource,UID,operation

Difference between --alertjq and --filters?
--filters are passed directly to the AccuKnox API. --alertjq operates on the output of the AccuKnox API response. It is recommended to use --filters as far as possible. However, you can use regex/jq based matching criteria with --alertjq.

[cluster list] options

List the cluster and corresponding nodes or any other entities (namespaces, workloads) as part of the cluster.

Supported options:

--clusterjq [value] => jq filter to be used on cluster list output (default: '.[]'). 
--nodejq [value] => jq filter to be used on node list output (default: '.result[].NodeName'). 
-n | --nodes => lists nodes from the clusters. 
-h | --help => help for cluster list. 


1. knoxcli cluster list --clusterjq '.[] | select(.ClusterName|test("idt."))' --nodes
	... list all the clusters with idt substring in its names and list all the nodes in those clusters
2. knoxcli cluster list --clusterjq '.[] | select((.type == "vm") and (.Status == "Inactive")) | "id=\(.ID),name=\(.ClusterName),status=\(.Status)"'
	... list all the Inactive VM clusters and print their ID,name,status

[cluster policy] options

Enlist the cluster policies. These include all policies, including, KubeArmor, Network, Admission Controller policies.

Supported options:

--operation [value] => [list|dump] Dump the policies in folder or list the policies. default:list. 
--clusterjq [value] => jq filter to be used on cluster list output (default: '.[]'). 
--policyjq [value] => jq filter to be used on policy list output (default: '.'). 
-d | --dumpdir [value] => Policy dump directory. 
-h | --help => help with the options. 


1. knoxcli cluster policy --clusterjq '.[] | select(.ClusterName|test("gke"))' --policyjq '.list_of_policies[] | select(.name|test("crypto"))'
	... get all the policies have 'crypto' in their name for all the clusters having 'gke' in their name
2. knoxcli cluster policy --clusterjq '.[] | select(.ClusterName|test("gke"))' --policyjq '.list_of_policies[] | select(.namespace_name // "notpresent"|test("agents"))'
	... get all the policies in namespace agents ... if no namespace is present then "notpresent" is substituted.

Using docker

docker run -v $HOME/.accuknox.cfg:/root/.accuknox.cfg accuknox/knoxcli:main


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