This project is about mining strategies. In this project we will implement three strategies discussed in class.
Simulation Model The simulation uses a simplified model of the real Bitcoin network world to simulate the mining and propagation of blocks. A fixed number of blocks will be simulated. You do not need to understand all the details of the simulation but the most important points are
- The simulation proceeds in discrete iterations where each iteration consists of a mining round and propagation round.2. Each miner draws a creation time from Exp[hashRate] and the miner with the lowest creationtime mines a block. The probability of mining a block in each iteration for a miner i is, thus:
- With small probability a second block gets mined at the same time (by the miner who drew the second smallest number). Both blocks will be propagated at the same time. With even smaller probability a third block is mined and so on.
- If a miner s wants to broadcast a block he draws transmission times for each other miner r from Exp[connectivity s * connectivity r ] . If two miners s 1 and s 2 broadcast a block to r at the same time then the probability of s 1 ’s block arriving first is:
- If a miner upon receiving a block wants to broadcast a new block, they draw a set of transmission times for the other agents as in 4. but delayed by the current time. Consequently, there exists a first mover advantage in block propagation.
- The simulation ends at randomized times, using an exponential distribution.
We implement 3 mining strategies :
MajorityMiner : that performs a 51% attack if it is capable. A 51% in this context means extracting as much relative profit as possible.
SelfishMiner that performs a temporary block withholding attack if profitable.
FeeSnipingMiner that forks to try stealing unusually valuable blocks when profitable. That is, when a block with an unusually large transaction fee is mined by a competitor, this miner should temporarily reject that block and try to re-mine a longer fork where it keeps the large transaction fee for itself.