#Bitrix24 Debian 11 Installation (based on Bitrix24 Debian Installation Guide) https://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/learning/course/index.php?COURSE_ID=32&LESSON_ID=5363&LESSON_PATH=3903.4862.20866.5360.5363 Plus email and letsencrypt installation
apt-get update apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/aaparin/Bitrix_Debian11.git
chmod u+x install.sh ./install.sh
Root directory: /var/www/bx-site
Database settings:
table name: sitemanager
user: bitrix
password: 'your password when you wrote it during installation'
host: localhost
port: 3306
If you want to install new Bitrix24 Business trial, you can run install_bx24.sh script
chmod u+x install_bx24.sh
Go to /etc/msmtprc and set your SMTP server settings
Now I use example for Gmail. You can use your own SMTP server settings.
chmod u+x install_ssl.sh
chmod u+x install_pullpush.sh
This script return array for config. You need to copy it and paste to /var/www/bx-site/bitrix/.settings.php
and restart apache2
systemctl restart apache2
ss -tuln | grep -E ':22|:80|:443|:8890|:8891|:8893|:8894|:5222|:5223'