Kubernetes (k8s) provides the ability for Ingress Controllers to be deployed for directing traffic to services. This means that services can be exposed outside of the cluster without requiring a new loadbalancer for each one. An ingress can be used instead that routes traffic to services based on routing rules, e.g. hostname, path, headers, etc.
Traefik is a Cloud Native Edge Router and reverse proxy that can direct traffic between services based on routing rules. Traefik provides a Ingress Controller that can be deployed into Kubernetes clusters for these purposes. Traefik introduced a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD) for Ingress Routes, which is what the configuration in this repository is based on.
k3s is a lightweight, certified Kubernetes distribution, for production workloads from Rancher Labs. k3s installs Traefik, version 1.7, as the Ingress Controller, and a service loadbalancer (klippy-lb) by default so that the cluster is ready to go as soon as it starts up. The instructions below will be deploying a k3s cluster without the default Traefik 1.7 as we want to deploy this ourselves so that we can use the latest Traefik v2 Kubernetes Ingress Controller installation.
k3d is tool developed by the folk at Rancher to deploy k3s nodes into Docker containers. This provides the means to deploy server and multiple worker nodes on your local machine, taking up very little resource, each running within its own container.
k3s (using k3d) will be used as the Kubernetes distribution for the examples in this repository.
Run the below command (sleighzy
is my cluster name) to deploy a 2 work node
cluster. This performs the following:
- mounts a directory on the host machine to
so that k8s manifest files can be dropped in here for automatic deployment. - mounts a directory from the host machine to
as this is the default directory k3s stores data in. We can create k8s Persistent Volume Claims and they will be created here on the host machine. - (optional) publish ports 80 and 443 to the host machine so that we can send external web traffic (http and https) to the cluster
- the
arguments will pass--disable traefik
to k3s when the cluster is created so that the default Traefik 1.7 ingress controller is not installed
$ k3d cluster create \
sleighzy \
--volume /mnt/f/k3s/manifests:/var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests \
--volume /mnt/f/data/k3s/storage:/var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage \
--api-port \
--port "80:80@loadbalancer" \
--port "443:443@loadbalancer" \
--agents 2 \
--k3s-server-arg --disable \
--k3s-server-arg traefik
$ export KUBECONFIG="$(k3d kubeconfig get sleighzy)"
$ kubectl cluster-info
k3s ships with Traefik 1.7 by default so we need to install Traefik 2 separately
using the manifests in this repository as the --disable traefik
arguments we
used mean that Traefik is not installed.
Apply the manifests in order (prefixed by number) to install the secrets, k8s CRDs, service, and deployment for Traefik v2. The Traefik documentation for the new Kubernetes CRD Ingress Controller is somewhat incomplete is places, their largest example is integrating with LetsEncrypt, and some errors were output to the logs around missing CRDs. I have fixed this up and the configuration here should work as expected.
Note that the secrets, and their usage in the deployment, will be required if
you are using Traefik and the integration with LetsEncrypt for automatic
creation of certificates for https services. The configuration here is also for
integrating with GoDaddy for the https certificates so the configuration may be
different for your provider so refer to the Traefik documentation on this. If
you are not using https and integration with LetsEncrypt then you do not need to
apply the ./002-secrets.yaml
file, and can remove the mounting of those
secrets from the ./005-deployment.yaml
file. The later sections in this README
file will cover the HTTPS integration in greater depth.
- 001-rbac.yaml - CRDs and cluster roles
- 001-tls-options.yaml - (optional), enforces by default that TLS 1.3 is to be used for secure connections
- 002-middlewares-basic-auth.yaml - (optional), provides username / password authentication and is used in these examples for securing the Traefik dashboard using Basic Authentication
- 002-middlewares-secure-headers.yaml - (optional), this creates a middleware that can be used to set secure headers on responses
- 002-secrets.yaml - (optional), but is needed if
- using Basic Authentication for the dashboard
- integrating with LetsEncrypt (depending on your mechanism) for API keys etc. for your DNS provider as per the examples further down
- 003-pvc.yaml - (optional), but is used when integrating with LetsEncrypt as this creates a persistent volume on the host machine that is used to store the certificates
- 004-service.yaml - exposes the container ports for traefik
- 005-deployment.yaml - the deployment of the Traefik container with the associated mounts for secrets and persistent volume if integrating with LetsEncrypt for https certificates
- 006-ingressroute.yaml - (optional), can be used to expose the Traefik dashboard externally and secure using Basic Authentication
Traefik provides a number of dashboards for viewing your services, routes,
middleware, etc. In the current deployment configuration this is not being
exposed outside of the cluster. You can port forward 8080
on the docker host
to the traefik admin service and then you can navigate to
http://localhost:8080/dashboard/ in your browser to view the Traefik
Note: as per https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/operations/dashboard/ the url for accessing the dashboard must contain a trailing slash.
kubectl port-forward --address service/traefik 8080:admin -n kube-system
The Traefik deployment in this repository has configured to secure the dashboard
so that it can be exposed externally, using Basic Authentication with a username
and password to do so. The --api.insecure
argument has been removed (depending
on if you are using CLI or files for the Traefik static configuration) and
middleware used to enforce authentication.
Create a username and password using the command below that can then be added to
the 002-secrets.yaml
$ htpasswd -nb mysecretuser mysecretpw | openssl base64
Note in the example config below the |2
, this means that the following lines
have an explicit 2 character indent. This is so that when the yaml is parsed the
base64encoded string is extracted correctly, without including the 2 leading
whitespace characters.
users: |2
The 002.middlewares-basic-auth.yaml
file contains the middleware configuration
to state that Basic Authentication is to be used, and where to locate the secret
containing the username and password.
The 006-ingressroute.yaml
file contains the below IngressRoute
that exposes the dashboard and instructs Traefik to use the traefik-basic-auth
middleware when routing this request. This will prompt the user to enter their
username and password to be authenticated prior to being able to access this
resource. Requests to https://traefik.mydomain.io/api and
https://traefik.mydomain.io/dashboard/ will display the dashboard (and API
calls) and require the user to be authenticated.
Note: as per https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/operations/dashboard/ the url for accessing the dashboard must contain a trailing slash.
- match:
Host(`traefik.mydomain.io`) && (PathPrefix(`/api`) || PathPrefix(`/dashboard`))
kind: Rule
- name: api@internal
kind: TraefikService
- name: traefik-basic-auth
The Traefik documentation and a number of other resources use the whoami
service as an example deployment. Apply the below configuration to deploy the
whoami app and associated service.
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
namespace: default
name: whoami
app: whoami
replicas: 1
app: whoami
app: whoami
- name: whoami
image: containous/whoami
- name: web
containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: whoami
- protocol: TCP
name: web
port: 80
app: whoami
For the Traefik IngressRoute
the below configuration can be applied to route
http traffic to the whoami
service if the host header is whoami.mydomain.io
apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRoute
name: whoami
namespace: default
- web
- match: Host(`whoami.mydomain.io`)
kind: Rule
- name: whoami
port: 80
Running the below command from the Docker host should hit the whoami
as the default port 80
for http traffic is being routed to the k3s server node
(docker container), and the Traefik ingress will be matching the
host header rule. Note, while the Traefik pod will not be
running on the server node (but the docker host port 80 is bound to the k3s
server docker container) k3s will still route this to the Traefik pod as
expected due to the klippy-lb service loadbalancer that is installed by k3s by
$ curl http://localhost/ -H "host:whoami.mydomain.io"
Hostname: whoami-bd6b677dc-56zpq
IP: ::1
IP: fe80::d4b0:c1ff:fe23:dcc3
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: whoami.mydomain.io
User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
X-Forwarded-Host: whoami.mydomain.io
X-Forwarded-Port: 80
X-Forwarded-Proto: http
X-Forwarded-Server: traefik-7c8b9b949f-cws5b
Traefik v2 introduced automated generation of certificates for services when integrating with LetsEncrypt. When calling services with routers that reference the configured certificate resolver for Traefik it will automatically attempt to generate certificates using LetsEncrypt. Traefik provides a number of ACME challenger options, and a large number of supported providers for DNS-01 challengers. Traefik will generate new certificates for the services when they expire.
The configuration in this repository can be used to integrate with GoDaddy for
dns challenges as this is my DNS provider. The ...caserver
argument for
Traefik in the ./005-deployment.yaml
is for the LetsEncrypt Staging server,
currently commented out, and can be used for initial testing purposes. Note that
staging server will require you to add an intermediate certificate as it is not
a completely trusted chain. The ...acme.storage
argument states where Traefik
should write the certificate information to. The deployment configuration here
uses the persistent volume mounted on the host.
Traefik requires the certificates file to have permissions of 600. If running on Windows with WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) directories and files created on the Windows filesystem will have permissions of 777 and so this will fail. You will need to update (add if it doesn't exist) your /etc/wsl.conf file to add metadata to mounted file systems so that the correct permissions can be set on the file in WSL. See https://www.turek.dev/post/fix-wsl-file-permissions/ for more information.
The hostname that you will be calling needs to have been added to your
provider's DNS so that https traffic is routed to your server and onto Traefik.
Traefik will use its APIs to create DNS entries for the certificate challenge,
e.g. TXT
entry _acme-challenge.whoami
for the whoami service.
Get the API keys and API secrets that may be required by your DNS provider, they are for my GoDaddy account, so that the APIs can be called by Traefik to create the required DNS entries for the certificate challenge.
Create base64 encoded strings from the API keys and secrets, and then update the
file with them before applying the file.
$ echo -n '<my api key>' | base64
$ echo -n '<my secret>' | base64
# update 002-secrets.yaml and then apply
$ kubectl apply -f 002-secrets.yaml
Apply the below yaml to create an IngressRoute
that performs the following:
- accepts traffic from the
entry point, which was configured as the https entrypoint address when starting Traefik - uses tls and the godaddy certificate resolver, that was configured using the Traefik arguments when starting it, to request an https certificate from Godaddy if a certificate does not already exist, or is about to expire
- routes all traffic to the
service for requests with a host header ofwhoami.mydomain.io
and a path of/tls
Ensure that the prerequisites have been set up first as Traefik will attempt to
retrieve certificates as soon as the IngressRoute
is created.
apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRoute
name: whoami-tls
namespace: default
- websecure
- kind: Rule
match: Host(`whoami.mydomain.io`) && PathPrefix(`/tls`)
- name: whoami
port: 80
certResolver: godaddy
Confirm that the service and ingress route have been created.
$ kubectl get svc,ep,ingressroute -o wide
service/kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2d19h <none>
service/whoami ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 2d19h app=whoami
endpoints/kubernetes 2d19h
endpoints/whoami 2d19h
ingressroute.traefik.containo.us/whoami 2d19h
ingressroute.traefik.containo.us/whoami-tls 2d16h
Accessing https://whoami.mydomain.io/tls in your browser should now display similar information to that shown when using the previous http url.
Hostname: whoami-bd6b677dc-56zpq
IP: ::1
IP: fe80::d4b0:c1ff:fe23:dcc3
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: whoami.mydomain.io
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19041
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Cookie: _forward_auth=jRmJ5On5wAvIdKJ-B22_gFu0J9mMXnaxPQqUozvQYxw=|1584999044|
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
X-Forwarded-Host: whoami.mydomain.io
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
X-Forwarded-Server: traefik-7c8b9b949f-cws5b
By un-commenting the below lines from the 005-deployment.yaml
file Traefik
will automatically redirect all incoming HTTP requests (the web
entrypoint) to
HTTPS (the websecure
entrypoint). Note that the configuration below specifies
port :443
and not the entrypoint name websecure
. This is due to the
configuration for the websecure
entrypoint listening on port 8443
, using
instead of to=:443
would cause the browser to be redirected to
port 8443
incorrectly. The Traefik service
will receive traffic on port
and send them to the container targetPort
of 8443
that Traefik is
- --entrypoints.web.http.redirections.entrypoint.to=:443
- --entrypoints.web.http.redirections.entrypoint.scheme=https
By optionally adding the additional line below these redirections will be
permanent redirects, i.e. 301 Moved Permanently
response status code. The
browser will then automatically redirect to the HTTPS address and not
continuously be redirected by Traefik.
- --entrypoints.web.http.redirections.entrypoint.permanent=true
The 002-middleware-secure-headers.yaml
manifest file can be applied and then
the middleware used in your ingress routes. This middleware sets a number of
response headers to secure your sites. For example,
- Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- Referrer-Policy
- Vary
- X-Content-Type-Options
- X-Frame-Options
- X-XSS-Protection
The middleware can be added to your ingress route as per the example below:
- kind: Rule
match: Host(`whoami.mydomain.io`)
- name: traefik-secure-headers
namespace: kube-system
- name: whoami
port: 80
The https://observatory.mozilla.org/ site can be used to scan your site and analyze your security headers. It can provide a score and information on changes required to headers to achieve an A+ rating.
The Traefik Kubernetes Ingress provider supports Kubernetes Ingress objects for managing access to services.
The --providers.kubernetesingress
CLI parameter in the deployment manifest
enables using this provider to configure Traefik. This provider be can run with
the Kubernetes CRD one enabled as well, --providers.kubernetescrd
, so that
both options are supported.
The 300-whoami-ingress.yaml manifest file can be applied instead of the 200-whoami-ingressroute.yaml file to use the Kubernetes Ingress to provide access to the whoami service. This example ingress also shows the use of the annotation support that was added in Traefik 2.2 for these objects for things such as the entry point and tls configuration.