This is a fabric mod that allows you to toggle or change many vanilla features through the vanilla gamerule system. This mod supports the latest version of Minecraft. Only critical issues/major crashes will be fixed on older versions of Minecraft. Mod compatibility is an aim but not always a reality - if there is an incompatibility, I will likely try to resolve it, but my success is not guaranteed.
See the wiki page for more information.
You can download both stable releases of the mod, and also beta releases, from Github Releases,.
Unlike most minecraft mods, this mod does not use the maven or gradle build systems. This mod uses a new, faster, more minecraft-focused build system called Brachyura.
To compile the project, run the commands (prequisite: you need Java version 17 or above installed and in path):
git clone
cd VanillaDisable
java -jar brachyura-bootstrap-0.jar build
You can speed it up by using the -j n
, where n is the number of threads that you want to use.
The artifacts will be in build/libs/
, just like with the other builds systems.
This mod is available under the MPL license. Some code is from another project which uses the LGPL-3.0 license.