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Lessons Learned from My Journey as a Self-Taught Developer

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Self-Taught Journey

Indie Hacker

Lessons Learned from My Journey as a Self-Taught Developer
See my activities »

Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Roadmap
  3. License
  4. Acknowledgments

Getting Started

I follow these steps by steps to become self taught web developer.

Learn Git and Github

Learn Git from 0 experience to professional level in 3 courses.

Course Description
Lesson 1 What is git?, ... , Extra Feature 3: How to Remove Git
Lesson 2 Command: git push, ... , Using Our SSH Key
Lesson 3 Git Branching and Merging

Git Cheatsheet

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Write HTML and CSS

Learn how to build websites with HTML and CSS

HTML CSS Reference

Personal Notes in Closed issues

Table of Contents
  1. HTML Basics
  2. CSS Basics
  3. Hovers, Transitions, Shadows
  4. Chrome DevTools & CSS Box Model
  5. Text Styles
  6. The HTML Structure
  7. Images and Text Boxes
  8. CSS Display Property
  9. The div Element
  10. Nested Layouts Technique
  11. CSS Grid
  12. Flexbox
  13. Nested Flexbox
  14. CSS Position
  15. Position Absolute and Relative
  16. Finish the Project
  17. More CSS Features

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Supercharge CSS

Learn More about CSS and a tool for transforming CSS to increase code readability.

Course Description
Lesson 1 PostCSS Crash Course
Lesson 2 Conquering Responsive Layout
CRL Contents
  1. Challenge 01
    • Percentages vs Fixed widths
    • Percentages on the child
    • CSS em and rem explained
    • Why it's a good idea to avoid heights
  2. Challenge 02
    • Getting familiar with relative units
    • CSS em and rem explained
    • Why you shouldn't set font-sizes using em
  3. Challenge 03
    • CSS Units - vh, vw, vmin, vmax
  4. Challenge 04
    • box-sizing - border-box explained
    • Why I use the BEM naming convention for my CSS
    • Flex-intro
    • Adding-space
  5. Challenge 05
    • Reducing the amount of HTML needed
    • Adding a hero image
    • Column widths and flexbox
    • Ensuring the image is responsive
  6. Challenge 06
    • A deeper dive into flexbox
    • Fancier up our navigation with flexbox
    • More improvements to the navigation
    • Centering things the easy way
  7. Challenge 07
    • min(), max(), and clamp() are CSS magic!
    • Media query basics
    • Adding one to our layout
    • How do decide what breakpoints to use
    • meta-viewport
    • CSS Variables - An introduction to CSS custom properties
    • Writing mobile-first CSS
    • A look at min-height
  8. Challenge 08
    • Responsive Navigation
  9. Last Challenge

Personal Notes in Closed issues.

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Build Things

Working on real-life projects, will develop a more comprehensive understanding of programming concepts, improve skills, and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

Fronted Projects Description
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Add interactivity with JavaScript

Learn how to program the behavior of web pages.

Lesson Description
1 - JavaScript Basics // JavaScript is giving instructions to a computer; Wrote JavaScript code; Run our code using the Console; Syntax;
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2 - Numbers and Math // Numbers and Math; Order of Operations, and Brackets (...); Calculated the numbers in final project; Calculations using floats can be inaccurate; Math.round(); How to search for code on our own;
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3 - Strings // String = text; Use strings and numbers together; Three ways to create strings: '...' or "..." or ` ... ` (template strings); Escape characters: \ ' and \n ; Interpolation, multi-line strings;
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4 - HTML CSS Review, console.log // Reviewed basics of HTML and CSS; Set up VSCode; Load JavaScript inside an HTML file; <script>, onclick=""; Comments; console.log();
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5 - Variables // Variables = a way to save values; Re-assign a variable; Created the Cart Quantity feature; Shortcuts for re-assigning a variable; Naming conventions and best practices; 3 ways to create a variable: let, const, var;
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cart-quantity.html variables.html
6 - Booleans and If-Statements // Boolean values (true, false); If-statements; Comparison Operators (>, <, >=, <=, ===, !==) and Logical Operators (&&, | |, !); Algorithms, and created Rock Paper Scissors; Truthy and Falsy values; Shortcuts for if-statements (ternary, guard, default);
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boolean.html rock-paper-scissor.html
7 - Functions // Functions = let us reuse code; Return = get a value out of a function; Parameters = put values into a function; Improved the code for Rock, Paper, Scissors;
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8 - Objects // Objects = group related values together; Added a score to Rock Paper Scissors; Built-in objects (JSON, localStorage); More details (null, auto-boxing, references); Shortcuts (destructuring, shorthand property, shorthand method);
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9 - Document Object Model (DOM) // Document Object Model (DOM); document.querySelector(...); .innerHTML; 3 projects using the DOM; onkeydown="..."; More details about strings + window object;
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10 - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Together // Reviewed CSS, and added CSS to projects; .classList(); Finished Rock Paper Scissors; Organize JavaScript and CSS code into separate files;
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11 - Arrays and Loops // Arrays = list of values; Loops (while loop, for loop); Accumulator Pattern; Created a Todo List project; Arrays are references, destructuring; More features of loops: break, continue, loops inside a function;
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12 - Advanced Functions // Functions are values; setTimeout(), setInterval(); .forEach(() => {}); Arrow functions, .addEventListener(); filter(), .map(); Closure;
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Beginning of JavaScript Amazon Project
13 - Intro to Amazon Project & git // Started the final Amazon project; Intro to git; Learn the main idea of JavaScript (i. save the data, ii. generate the html, iii. make it interactive); Created list of products; Made the 'add to cart' button interactive (also added the message, use case of setTimeout() ); made the cart quantity interactive;
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14 - Modules Go to commit: Lesson
// use module and re-organize; Generating checkout html (with de-duplicating technique); Fixed price formatting with utils; Fixed radio selector; Delete product from the cart and update the page; Save to localStorage;
Go to commit: Exercise
// add updateCartQuantity() to header text; Organize cart with calculateCartQuantity() & reuse it; Add update and save cart quantity; add validation to check new quantity; Allow updating by pressing 'Enter';
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15 - External libraries, MVC Go to commit: Lesson
// save data & generate html for delivery options; Make delivery options interactive; Regenerating delivery option html when data is changed; move orderSummary into its own file; Save data & generate html for payment summary; Make payment summary interactive - mvc practical example;
Go to commit: Exercise
// Pre challenge exercise; Update quantity items at header & payment summary using MVC; Adjust delivery date with isWeekend and use MVC in the rest of code
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16 - Testing Go to commit: Lesson
// create automated tests for formatCurrency; add jasmine testing framework; create automated tests for addToCart; Integration test - how the page looks; integration test - how the page behaves; remove duplicate code with hooks: beforeEach()
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// pre challenge exercise; Test suite: removeFromCart(); Test suite: UpdateDeliveryOption()
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17 - Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Go to commit: Lesson
// create oop version of cart.js; create class version of cart.js; make localStorageKey and loadFromStorage() private; convert products into classes; use inheritance & polymorphism to add 'size chart' link; learn more details about classes & 'this'
Go to commit: Exercise
// pre challenge exercise; add instructionLink and warrantyLink in Appliance Class; add test suite for Product, Clothing, Appliance class; use cart class instead of cart array & update all import
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18 - Final lesson (backend, callbacks, promises, and async await) Go to commit: Lesson
// load products form the backend; load products in beforeAll() hook; callback and promises comparison; use Promise.all instead; convert loadProducts from XHR to fetch; convert from promises to async await; error handling for callback; error handling for promises; error handling for async await; manually create error; create order using backend; add URL parameter example
Go to commit: Exercise
// pre challenge exercise; generating HTML for order; make the order page interactive; generating HTML for tracking; make the tracking page interactive; add search feature at the home page; make search case-insensitive and include keyword from product object; add extra features (resetCart, keydown on search bar, and custom deliveryMessage)
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backend practice

Personal Notes in Closed issues.

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  • [v] Initialize with git
  • [v] Write HTML/CSS
  • [v] Supercharge CSS
  • [L] Build Things
  • [v] Add interactivity with JavaScript

Fun Fact: There are notes in Closed issues.

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Distributed under the MIT License. Visit here for more information.

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Here are some of the folks - yes, some of them self-taught developers - that I have had the pleasure of learning from:

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Lessons Learned from My Journey as a Self-Taught Developer







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