Welcome to ZhgChgLi! We are a group of software engineers with a passion for open-source projects and building useful tools. Our team specializes in iOS app development, and we also have experience working with fun tools using Ruby, as well as web development using PHP, MySQL, and Laravel.
- ZMarkupParser is a pure-Swift library that helps you to convert HTML strings to NSAttributedString with customized style and tags.
- ZPlayerCacher is a lightweight implementation of the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate protocol that enables AVPlayerItem to support caching streaming files.
- XCFolder is a powerful command-line tool that converts Xcode virtual groups into actual directories, reorganizing your project structure to align with Xcode groups and enabling seamless integration with modern Xcode project generation tools like Tuist and XcodeGen.
- ZReviewTender is a tool for fetching app reviews from the App Store and Google Play Console and integrating them into your workflow.
- ZMediumToMarkdown is a powerful tool that allows you to effortlessly download and convert your Medium posts to Markdown format.
- linkyee is a fully customized, open-source LinkTree alternative deployed directly on GitHub Pages.
We welcome contributions to our projects! If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or pull request in the corresponding repository. We also encourage you to create your own extensions or plugins for our libraries and share them with the community.
You can contact us via email at [email protected]. Thank you for your interest in ZhgChgLi!