This work has done as a testing task
After finish download all files you need to:
- Get this project into your servers domains directory.
- Enter your database system and create empty database, you'll need it later.
- Open file db_config.php (Location: datagrid\includes\db_config.php).
- DB_HOST is your hostname.
- DB_USER is a username for get access to your database system.
- DB_PASS is a password to your database.
- DB_NAME is a name of database that you created before
- DB_TABLE_VERSIONS using in scripts. Do not change it, or you will brake migration system.
- DB_MYSQL_DIR this project working with MySQL for now, and for good link with database you need to change this variable on the directory, where stands your mysql executional file, ecraning <\> symbols with another <\> (Example: <C:\\Username\\eth.>) .
- Create button allows you to create a record.
- Edit button lets you to edit a record (only one record at time).
- Delete is for deleting records. You can delete as more as you want.
- Export button exporting records, that you choose to result.txt file(Location: datagrid\result\result.txt).
- Info button redirects you here.