This plugin is an extension for the ever so popular BattleArena. It adds "freeze" effects to entities that are hit by a snowball. Basically, when ever an entity (player, monster, animal, etc) is hit by a snowball it receives a (soon configurable) level and duration of slowness. (Note, this plugin works outside of Arenas as well)
- Freeze players with snowballs
- Works with BattleArena
Commands for configuration purposes coming in v2.0
The only thing configurable right now is the duration that players are frozen for, in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
If you have any questions, need help, or have any issues with this plugin please submit a ticket on Bukkit. Additionally, you can find me on the Esper IRC network on the #battleplugins or #crucialcommands channels.
- Add the ability to disable special snowballs outside of Arenas
- Any suggestions?