Add a commands to spectate specific players and removes broken spectate mode.
- Enable or disable the plugin with a ConVar.
- Limit the number of times players are allowed to use spec.
- Control the spectate limit mode with a ConVar.
- Force players to suicide before switching to spec.
- Restrict the spectate list to admins only.
- Integration with ZombieReloaded and EntWatch plugin.
- Authorize users based on flags.
- Limit the maximum time a player can spend in spectate mode.
: Enable or disable the plugin.g_cSpecLimit
: Limit the number of times players are allowed to use spec.g_cSpecLimitMode
: When does the limit is going to be reset.g_cSuicidePlayer
: Suicide player when using spec command.g_cSpecListAdminOnly
: Should regular players be able to list their spectators.g_cEntWatch
: Block player to go in spec if he has an item.g_cAuthorizedFlags
: Authorize users based on flags.g_cMaxTimeInSpec
: Limit the maximum time a player can spend in spectate.
- ZombieReloaded
- EntWatch