Yieldex is an automated yield optimizer for stablecoins on EVM networks. The project periodically gathers current APY/APR information from protocols (e.g., AAVE and Lendle) and stores it in a database (Supabase). Additionally, all APY data is recorded in a smart contract on the Mantle network to ensure transparency and data integrity.
Using the AI Analytics module, Yieldex analyzes the collected yield figures and generates recommendations for shifting capital between pools across various networks based on potential profit (taking gas costs into account).
The project consists of the following modules/components:
Data Collection Module:
- Periodically fetches yield rates for selected tokens (DAI, USDT, USDC, GHO, etc.) from DeFi providers such as DeFiLlama.
- Saves this data to a Supabase database and also duplicates it to the Mantle smart contract for decentralized storage.
Analytics Module:
- Retrieves the latest yield information from the database.
- Compares APYs/APRs across different networks, accounting for gas costs, to determine the most profitable place to keep an asset.
- Generates recommendations to move funds from one pool to another.
On-chain Module:
- Handles interactions with AAVE, Lendle, and other protocols.
- Provides classes to initialize Web3 connections, sign, and send transactions to the respective networks.
- Uses ABIs (e.g., AaveV3Pool.json, ERC20.json) to call methods like supply, deposit, withdraw, etc.
Notifications (Telegram):
- Sends alerts to Telegram regarding events or generated recommendations.
- If the system detects any "arbitrage" or more profitable pools, the bot notifies about potential capital moves.
Data Storage (Supabase + Mantle Oracle):
- Supabase serves as the primary database, storing all historical yield data for the pools, as well as the balances of any owned positions.
- The Mantle smart contract (YieldexOracle) reinforces decentralized data storage for the APY figures.
Below are brief instructions for running the project locally.
git clone https://github.com/example/yieldex.git
cd yieldex
This project is written in Python. The main packages are listed in pyproject.toml. You can install them using pip or another package manager:
pip install .
Alternatively, you can install from:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required secrets. The .env file includes details such as Supabase connection information, the private key for EVM networks, a Telegram bot token, etc.
Example (env.example):
Supabase SUPABASE_URL=your_supabase_url SUPABASE_KEY=your_supabase_anon_key Private key EVM PRIVATE_KEY=your_wallet_private_key Telegram TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=your_telegram_bot_token TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=your_telegram_chat_id TELEGRAM_THREAD_ID=your_telegram_thread_id
In the src/sql/migrations folder, you'll find SQL files that create the required tables for Supabase (apy_history, pool_balances, etc.).
You can execute them manually in Supabase or with any migration tool:
- 01_create_apy_history.sql
- 02_create_pool_balances.sql
python -m src.yieldex.data_collector
This module:
- Fetches yield data from DeFi sources.
- Saves them to the apy_history table.
- Attempts to update Mantle (YieldexOracle) with the latest APY values.
Generate recommendations:
python -m src.yieldex.analytics
(In particular, you can call the get_recommendations function, which returns a list of potential transfers.)
The onchain.py module allows you to:
- Check token balances (get_balance).
- Approve tokens for protocols (approve_token).
- Supply and withdraw liquidity in AAVE, Lendle, etc.
Example usage:
from src.yieldex.onchain import ERC20Utils
utils = ERC20Utils("Polygon")
balance = utils.get_balance("0x...") # ERC20 contract address
print("Balance:", balance)
- src/yieldex/onchain.py — Logic for blockchain interaction (approve, get_balance, etc.).
- src/yieldex/protocol_fabric.py — Operator classes for protocol integration (AaveOperator, LendleOperator, YieldexOracleOperator).
- src/yieldex/config.py — Configuration: loading environment variables, storing contract addresses, etc.
- src/yieldex/notifications.py — Telegram alert subsystem.
- src/yieldex/data_collector.py — Data fetching, database updates, Mantle oracle updates.
- src/yieldex/analytics.py — Yield analysis and recommendation generation.
- src/sql/ — Folder with migrations and stored procedures for Supabase.
- manifesto.md outlines the project's conceptual idea.
- Roadmap_MVP.md details the upcoming plan for development (Phase 1 — MVP).
If you have any questions about how this repository works or suggestions for improvements, please open an Issue or Pull Request on GitHub.
Thank you for using Yieldex!