Easiest way to locate Treasure Maps, Resource Maps, yourself (Mini-Map) and to buy or sell your Items on Discord or even your own vendor!
This app can automatically locate your opened Treasure / Resource Maps and can read from your Mastery and Aspect Tomes.
Open the Tome or Treasure Map you want to read.
Make sure that they are completly visible. However, they don't have to be in the black area of the client.
Now you can press "Scan" and the app will automatically locate the map (if you have one open) and will tell you the best Rune for all 4 different major Rune Systems!
The app will also read the amount of each item you current have in stock from your open Tome Gumps. After adjusting the price and (de)activating some items you might want to keep for yourself, you can press "Sell" to create the pastable string direclty to your clipboard. Simply go over to Outlands Discord Sell-Channel and press CTRL-V:
- ### Valueable Mastery Scrolls ###
1x Alchemy 10k
5x Animal Lore 25k
3x Animal Taming 25k
1x Chivalry 30k
6x Discordance 10k
2x Inscription 10k
- ### Trash Mastery Scrolls (9 @ 7k) ###
1x Begging 7k
5x Blacksmithy 7k
3x Camping 7k
- ### Aspect Cores ###
4x Discipline Core 20k
12x Earth Core 4k
2x Eldritch Core 15k
- ### Aspect Extracts / Distills ###
1x Discipline Extracts 20k
3x Earth Extracts 5k
3x Fire Extracts 10k
Will scan the screen for the opened Tomes and Treasure Maps.
Will export all active (
) Mastery Scrolls, Aspect Items and Items in the "Items to sell".
It will create a string in the clipboard, so you can directly post it in Discord using CTRL-V.
Will export all active (
) Custom Items in the "Items to buy".
It will create a string in the clipboard, so you can directly post it in Discord using CTRL-V.
Will create a script that automatically restock your vendor with Scrolls, Cores and Extracts and sets the price accordingly. After the script was created, the files will be opened automatically:
After the succesful import of any Map, the location of the Map will be shown on the button (e.g. 1087, 2648). By pressing the button, ExploreOutlands.com will be opened with the exact coordinates of the location.
It will also directly show you which Rune Tome and which Recall Rune you should use for this specific location. Currently are four different number systems supported:
- General Map System (More info)
- Witchers Map System (More info)
- BlackDragons Map System (More info)
- Points of Interest (More info)
The colored square, next to the Rune Tome, is indicating the Rune Tome color. The number or name, next to the Rune, tells you which rune to recall to. The number behind the footsteps is the approximately distance from the marked rune to the Treasure Map location in a straight line.
To add custom items to buy or sell, simply press on the gump. You can now add you own items to buy or sell.
The first textbox is the name of the item and should be filled.
The checkbox indicates if the item will be exported or not.
The second textbox is the amount, you can enter any string (e.g. "500", "50k" or "5m"). This textbox is optional.
The third textbox is the price, you can enter any string (e.g. "500", "50k" or "5m"). This textbox is also optional.
The fourth textbox is the group name, all items with the same group name will be under the same header when exporting.
When you setting up a massive Resource or Treasure Map run, the big UI of LootGoblin might be not handy for you. The new UI of LootGoblin Light can simply be activated by the middle button in the upper righthand corner of the LootGoblin window:
The very small UI of LootGoblin Light has the same functionality as the regular one, but its UI seamlessly fits into your client and will stay always on top if you active the option.
The Minimap you see in the picture above is the new MapGoblin Minimap and can either started manually through the MapGoblin.exe or by pressing the MapGoblin (Both files have to be in the same directory...):
The Next version of MapGoblin will come with full network support. Similar to ExploreOutlands.com you will be able to track all currently logged in guildmates or friends. However they will have to actively log into the server and enter your guilds password.
The new version 2.0 has an auto-update implemented. The app will check for availabe updates at each start, and will notify you if any are available.
You can now add custom markers (or modify the existing ones).
Also the Points of Interest rune system as been implemented as a fourth option.
Changed all buttons to async-mode, the UI will no longer be unresponsive when scanning.
Added a ProgressBar for scanning the screen, some Maps still take quite a bit of time to be located.
Changed the design of all buttons and fixed some bugs.
LootGoblin Light has the same functions and feature, but its UI is reduced to the absolute minimum.
To switch the UI to the Light version you can simply press
in the upper right corner. By pressing the button again the regular UI will be restored.
The new minimap called MapGoblin is no longer inside LootGoblin.
The new download link is a rar-file which contains both files, LootGoblin and MapGoblin. However, you can still start MapGoblin directly from the LootGoblin app by pressing the logo in the Options-Gump.
MapGoblin is basically a Mini-Map that allows you to track your own chars.
You can open the MapGoblin by clicking on the actual MapGoblin in the LootGoblin-App.
All Rune System Markers and Points Of Interest have been added to MapGoblin!
The new runes locations for the expansion has been added. Witchers system will follow soon, stay tuned!
Of course the Mastery Scrolls and Aspect Items for 'Year 3 Anniversary Expansion' are added!
Added the Rune System of BlackDragon. Now all major Rune Systems are implemented.
Thanks for everyone who contributed!
All items are now colored depending on their state.
Gray: Item not for sale
Brown: Trash Scroll
Black: Regular Item
With the newly added CheckBoxes for Extracts and Distillation you can select very detailed what you want to sell.
If you press the LootGoblin logo, the GitHub page will be opened. Easiest way to check for updates and the download link.
- Fixed a bug where Water Extracts were not imported at all.
- Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor was reverting to its default windows cursor when hovering the ScrollBar area.
- Added a total amount of all Trash Scrolls (does not matter if they are for sale or not).
You can now set a custom price threshold for Trash Mastery Scrolls.
If you change the value, all Mastery Scrolls that were set to the old threshold will have their price adjusted accordingly.
Each item group will now have displayed their sum for all active items displayed in the bottom right hand corner:
In the Control gump, you can also see the sum of all sub sums (= total value of all items for sale):
- Fixed a bug where Maps that were surrounded on 3 sides by water were located incorrectly.
- Added hovereffect for the add and remove item buttons.
- Added hovereffect for the sorting buttons.