In this project, a multi-layer Char-level (optional bidirectional) RNN, LSTM, GRU framework based on MXNET is built up. This project is inspired by the interactive deep learning course Dive into Deep Learning. Users can modify the model setting to create their own Tang-Poetry generator. A trained one-layer LSTM model is also provided. Users can apply this trained model to create five-characters eight-lines poems("五言律诗"), a special form of tang-poetry.
The provided dataset came from chinese-poetry project, a great database contains almost all the ancient poetries in Chinese. The provided trained LSTM model is based on 14k five-characters eight-lines poems from the database. Users can change the file to create your own training data.
User can modify the and run the file to train your own model. The default optimizer is "SGD", users can also change the optimizer to "Adam" or other optimizers supported by MXNET in the More specific parameters details are provided in the file. Below is the setting parameters for the trained one-layer LSTM model.
model_ind, num_hiddens, num_layer, bidirectional = "LSTM", 360, 1, False
ctx, lr, num_epochs, data_iteror = mx.gpu(), 1e2, 1500, data_iter # you can change the ctx to mx.cpu()
num_steps, batch_size, clipping_theta = 40, 128, 1e-2
pred_period, prefix = 50, '書湖河美人山萬鄉' # you can define your own prefix
User can make the trained model into a poetry generator by specifying the model parameters, the directory of the trained model and running the file.
One example poems generated by the model: