A simple EXR IO-library for Python that simplifies the use of OpenEXR.
pip install pyexr
Simple files
import pyexr
file = pyexr.open("color.exr")
file.channels # [R, G, B]
file.width # 1280
file.height # 720
file.channel_precision["R"] # pyexr.FLOAT
img = file.get() # (720,1280,3) np.float32 array
img = file.get(precision=pyexr.HALF) # (720,1280,3) np.float16 array
red = file.get("R") # (720,1280,1) np.float32 array
red = file.get("R", precision=pyexr.HALF) # (720,1280,1) np.float16 array
Fat / Multi-channel EXRs
import pyexr
file = pyexr.open("multi-channel.exr")
file.channels # [R, G, B, A, Variance.R, Variance.G, Variance.B]
file.width # 1280
file.height # 720
all = file.get() # (720,1280,7) np.float32 array (R,G,B,A,Var..)
var = file.get("Variance") # (720,1280,3) np.float32 array
col = file.get("default") # (720,1280,4) np.float32 array (R,G,B,A)
file.channel_map['default'] # ['R','G','B','A']
var_r = file.channel("Variance.R") # (720,1280,3) np.float32 array
import pyexr
# 'color.exr' contains R, G, B
img = pyexr.read("color.exr") # (720,1280,3) np.float32 array
img = pyexr.read("color.exr", precision=pyexr.HALF) # (720,1280,3) np.float16 array
# 'multi-channel.exr' contains R, G, B, A, Variance.R, Variance.G, Variance.B
all = pyexr.read("multi-channel.exr") # (720,1280,7) np array
col = pyexr.read("multi-channel.exr", "default") # (720,1280,4) np array
var = pyexr.read("multi-channel.exr", "Variance") # (720,1280,3) np array
col, var = pyexr.read("multi-channel.exr", ["default", "Variance"])
col, var = pyexr.read("multi-channel.exr", ["default", "Variance"], precision=pyexr.HALF)
col, var = pyexr.read("multi-channel.exr", ["default", "Variance"], precision=[pyexr.HALF, pyexr.FLOAT])
You can write write a matrix to EXR without specifying channel names. Default channel names will then be used:
# columns | default |
1 channel | Z |
2 channels | X, Y |
3 channels | R, G, B |
4 channels | R, G, B, A |
import pyexr
depth # (720,1280) np.float16 array
color # (720,180,3) np.float32 array
normal # (720,180,3) np.float32 array
pyexr.write("out.exr", depth) # one FLOAT channel: Z
pyexr.write("out.exr", color) # three FLOAT channels: R, G, B
pyexr.write("out.exr", normal,
channel_names=['X','Y','Z']) # three FLOAT channels: X, Y, Z
Writing Fat EXRs
import pyexr
depth # (720,1280) np.float16 array
color # (720,180,3) np.float32 array
variance # (720,180,3) np.float32 array
data = {'default': color, 'Depth': depth, 'Variance': variance} # default is a reserved name
pyexr.write("out.exr", data) # channels R, G, B, Depth.Z, Variance.(R,G,B)
# Full customization:
precision = {'default': pyexr.HALF},
channel_names = {'Depth': ['Q']}
) # channels R, G, B, Depth.Q, Variance.R, Variance.G, Variance.B