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Challenge Result Viewer

PkR edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 3 revisions

This tool can display the results stored in Sonic Adventure Cart and Event Result upload data. At the moment you cannot create or modify Challenge Result files themselves.

Challenge Result VMS File Structure

A Challenge Result VMS file contains the following sections:

  1. A general header common for all VMS files;
  2. An HTML page intended for the Dreamcast browser. This page sets up a form to interact with the official website and upload data to it. The data to be uploaded is stored as the value of a hidden chaodata field in the form. The value is the encrypted Challenge Result data encoded as a Base64 string. The tool decodes and decrypts the data automatically.

Using the Viewer

Challenge Result Viewer

There are two types of Challenge Result data: Twinkle Circuit upload data and Event Result upload data. They can be distinguished by the filename and a 4-byte ID in the decrypted upload data. The result of the challenge is stored as the number of frames the game counted (60 frames per second) since the challenge started, a DLC ID and a character ID. The tool displays all this information based on the contents of the decrypted upload data.


  • Submitted by (email address) and Individual ID (unique hardware ID, unused) are strings stored in form fields (mailid and dcid) in the HTML page embedded into the VMS file. These fields were meant to be used by the website's CGI scripts to identify the uploader and store their information in the database.