Releases: X-Hax/sa_tools
Releases · X-Hax/sa_tools
SAEditorCommon: Final fix for Chunk Model Strip Data Editor text cutoff on specific setups. New tooltip descriptions for the Double Sided and Ignore Ambient flags added thanks to Shaddatic.
SAEditorCommon: Actually add in the new GC Model Data Editor submenus; further adjustments to address potential text cutoff in Chunk Model Strip Data Editor.
SAEditorCommon: Hotfix for text cutoff in Chunk Model Strip Data Editor.
SA2 Event Viewer: Hotfix for texture file detection; it now also searches for .pak textures in an adjacent PRS folder.
--Reworked GC Model Data Editor to be more in-line with how Chunk Model Data Editor works; vertex and parameter data can now be viewed, with the latter having in-depth editing capabilities.
--Fixed a bug with editing textures in the Chunk Model Data Editor; the maximum texture ID now reaches 255 instead of 100, fixing a crash that occurs when a model's texture ID exceeded 100.
-SAModel: GC (Ginja) model rendering now reads and applies UV scaling data stored within the model's mesh data; this fixes incorrect texture tiling across all editors. More information was added to allow for proper model cloning of this model type.
-SA2 Event Viewer: The program can now use .pak files found in the same directory as the event data for playback, with .prs and .pvm files being fallback options.
Adding new issue templates and configuration of the issue templates.
ModBuilding: Fixed string outputs for certain data types; adjusted "creditstexlist" output for SA2 to comply with its mod loader headers.
SAModel: Adjusted UV calculations for Chunk models, from 0-255 to 0-256 for normal UV data and from 0-1023 to 0-1024 for UVH data.
SAModel.Direct3D: Reverted a material change that caused the ambient values for models to be read and applied, excessively darkening some models.