this is an implementation of the secret santa game, which lets you input a list of participants, then randomly draws names and sends out these assignments via email
- is the app script, with all of the required functions to run the application
- /images folder contains images used in the email
- /doc folder contains some documentation
- /samples folder contains samples of how to format .txt files for the application
- contents.txt contains an example of how contents in your email could look like
- participants.txt contains an example of how to enter participants of your secret santa to the file
First, make sure that you change the files 'participants.txt' and 'contents.txt' in the root/main directory
- In 'participants.txt' you should enter your participants in the format "Name, email-adress" (without the ""). Each person should be written on a new line in this file. You do not need to put anything at the end of a line.
- In 'contents.txt' add the text you would like to show in your email. The format is "section, text" (without "") where section refers to a specific part of the email. Do not change the names of the sections as the email generating function will not pick up your text if you do so. Only change the text after the ",". The comma separates section from text. Within your text however, you can use commas if you wish to do so. End your text with a plain semicolon to tell the program that the next section starts.
- The rules in the rules section need to be separated by a double slash ("//") as you can see in the example. This tells the program where one rule ends and the next one starts.
- You can find a layout of all sections in this image.
- In addition to the sections detailed in the image, you can also define the subject line of your email as well as a preheader text that will only show up in the email preview in an email client.
Then, you have the chance to exclude 1 name per participant that cannot be assigned to them. I created this feature in order to not assign the same name to a person two years in a row (an issue my family was complaining about...). Of course, you can also simply use it to exclude a name of your liking if you do not have a previous draw. If you do not want to exclude any names, just leave the file untouched or delete it. The file should always start with the line "GIVER, RECEIVER;" and then one line per exclude in the format "name1, name2;" where name2 cannot be assigned to name1.
- You do not have to exclude a name for every person, if you just have three conditions, that's fine too.
- The program is set up to record the draw from this year into a file just like "draw2017.txt" (I wrote this 2018). This makes the draw next year much simpler, because the exclude conditions are already on file and the program automatically knows where to look for them. Again, if you do not wish to exclude any names next year, simply delete the file before running the program.
Finally, you should run the main function santa(fromAddr, password, smtp, port).
- fromAddr is the address that the secret santa assignment mails are sent from to all your participants. This could be your own email or another address specifically for this purpose.
- password is the password belonging to the account in fromAddr.
- smtp is the outgoing mail server, e.g.
- port is the outgoing mail port. Note that when I connect to the server, I am using server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp, port) to force the program to use an SSL connection. In this case, the gmail port was 465. Make sure your connection details are correct and for SSL.
The programm will now do its thing: load contents and participants, see if there are any draws from last year to consider (excludes) and shuffle the participants until the excludes won't lead to a possible deadlock for the last name assignments.
For each name in the participant list, the program then randomly draws a name from the list (excluding self, and a possible defined in the "draw2017.txt" file), then render that name onto the /images/name-image.jpg image and finally construct the email using the images and contents from file. Finally, the mail is sent before iterating to the next name in the list.
I've used two main sources for my program, mainly for the "sending mails from python" and the "creating an email template" parts. Particularly, the second one turned out to be a real pain as many mail providers display emails in different ways (supporting different CSS).
My mail construction seems to work out on
- Gmail Web
- GMX Web
- Yahoo Web
- Outlook on Mac
- sent to @gmx, @yahoo, @icloud, exchange mail addresses
- Apple Mail on Mac/iOS