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Rasopus Backend

The Rasopus URL shortener backend


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The following environment variables can be used to configure the Rasopus backend:

Variable Required Description
RASOPUS_ADDRESS Optional The address Rocket will bind to. When not provided, Rocket's internal default is used. At the time of writing, this is
RASOPUS_PORT Optional The port Rocket will bind to. When not provided, Rocket's internal default is used. At the time of writing, this is 8000.
RASOPUS_SECRET_KEY Required The secret key passed to Rocket for encrypting private cookies. For example, you can generate one with OpenSSL by executing openssl rand -base64 32.
RASOPUS_POSTGRES_USER Required The name of the postgres user.
RASOPUS_POSTGRES_PASSWORD Required The password of the postgres user.
RASOPUS_POSTGRES_HOST Required The postgres host to connect to.
RASOPUS_POSTGRES_PORT Required The postgres port to connect to.
RASOPUS_POSTGRES_DATABASE Required The name of the postgres database schema to use.
RASOPUS_POSTGRES_POOL_SIZE Optional How many postgres connections to open. By default, this has the value 10. This should be enough, but the option is there, just in case.
RASOPUS_ARGON2_ITERATIONS Optional The number of iterations for Argon2 hashing. By default, this has the value 3, which is in range of what OWASP recommends. This is a good cost/value trade-off. If you want higher security at the cost of performance, increase this to 4 or even 5. If you're insane, you can also go beyond that.
RASOPUS_ARGON2_MEMORY_MIB Optional The memory size in MiB for Argon2 hashing. By default, this has the value 70, which is higher than what OWASP recommends. Same as above, increase for additional security at the cost of performance.