The Rasopus URL shortener backend
The following environment variables can be used to configure the Rasopus backend:
Variable | Required | Description |
Optional | The address Rocket will bind to. When not provided, Rocket's internal default is used. At the time of writing, this is . |
Optional | The port Rocket will bind to. When not provided, Rocket's internal default is used. At the time of writing, this is 8000 . |
Required | The secret key passed to Rocket for encrypting private cookies. For example, you can generate one with OpenSSL by executing openssl rand -base64 32 . |
Required | The name of the postgres user. |
Required | The password of the postgres user. |
Required | The postgres host to connect to. |
Required | The postgres port to connect to. |
Required | The name of the postgres database schema to use. |
Optional | How many postgres connections to open. By default, this has the value 10 . This should be enough, but the option is there, just in case. |
Optional | The number of iterations for Argon2 hashing. By default, this has the value 3 , which is in range of what OWASP recommends. This is a good cost/value trade-off. If you want higher security at the cost of performance, increase this to 4 or even 5 . If you're insane, you can also go beyond that. |
Optional | The memory size in MiB for Argon2 hashing. By default, this has the value 70 , which is higher than what OWASP recommends. Same as above, increase for additional security at the cost of performance. |