VoiceLab v1.1.0
VoiceLab - Automated Reproducible Acoustic Analysis
Release Notes
Changes from 1.0.2
Feature additions
- Addition of Measure Energy, based on VoiceSauce Energy algorithm (correlation r>0.999). Measure RMS Energy is included in this measure also.
- Addition of Pitch Yin Algorithm from Librosa
Bug fixes
- Now can play file formats other that wav (only tested on mp3)
- Can now manipulate stereo files by converting to mono first
- Fix bug in formant manipulation & pitch & formant manipulation that caused crash
- Fixed playback on windows
There is a windows binary and an OSX binary. For now, if you are on linux, you can grab the code from GitHub and roll your own.
Development team
Oliver Cook wrote the original GUI and pipeline several years ago and is no longer an active developer on this project. I thank him for all of his hard work and I am forever grateful. This project is now solely maintained by me, David Feinberg, who also wrote all of the original and current code regarding voice measurements, manipulations, and visualizations. Email me at: [email protected] if you have any questions.
Citing VoiceLab
Please cite and endorse my PsyArxiv Preprint. It's the only way I can get credit for this at my job.
Feinberg, D. R., & Cook, O. (2020). VoiceLab: Automated Reproducible Acoustic Analysis. PsyArxiv