This script makes use of pico2wave translate text to speech service in order to render text to speech and play it back to the user. It supports a variety of different languages.
Perl: The Perl Programming Language
perl-libwww-perl: The World-Wide Web library for Perl
perl-LWP-Protocol-https: For HTTPS support
sox: Sound eXchange, sound processing program
Copy to your home directory and procedure to execute.
[root@vitalpbx ~]# cd / [root@vitalpbx ~]# wget [root@vitalpbx ~]# chmod +x [root@vitalpbx ~]# ./
Now Dial
You should hear the following sentence
;;Play mesage in US English: This is a simple Vital P B X text to speech test in english. ;;Play mesage in GB English: This is a simple Vital P B X text to speech test in british english. ;;Play mesage in German: Dies ist ein einfacher Vital P B X Text-to-Speech-Test in German. ;;Play message in Spanish Esta es una prueba simple de texto a voz de Vital P B X en Español. ;;Play message in french Il s'agit d'un simple test Vital P B X text to speech en french. ;;Play message in french Questo è un semplice test di sintesi vocale di Vital P B X in italiano.