-> Nowadays, shopping malls and Big Marts keep track of individual items sales data in order to forecast future client demand and adjust inventory management. In a data warehouse, these data stores hold a significant amount of consumer information and particular item details. By mining the data store from the data warehouse, more anomalies and patterns can be discovered.
-> The classical machine learning tasks like Data Exploration, Data Cleaning, Feature Engineering, Model Building and Model Testing. Try out different machine learning algorithms that's best fit for the above case.
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Item_Visibility : The % of total display area of all products in a store allocated to a particular product.
Item_Outlet_Sales : Sales of the product in the particular store. This is the outcome variable to be predicted.
-> Every dataset consists of some missing values and outliers. The categorical missing values are filled with most frequent value i.e. mode while the numeric values are filled with mean. Also the outliers are treated with the mean value correspoiding to their item type.
-> Visualizations are performed using libraries like matplotlib, seaborn and plotly by plotting histogram, countplots, scatter plot, etc. Also simple visualizations are performed on Power Bi Dashboard.
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-> To gain more accuracy on the data we perform hyperparameter tuning. This process take much time but can give us better results.
-> The data is stored in the cassandra database which is connected with our program using cassandra drive of python.
-> Using python's logging library we are tracking our logs which are obtained during program execution. This helps to understand our code in more efficient way and resolve any error or bug.
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