Next.js Portfolio application to display personal accomplishments for hiring/self-marketing purposes
By: Vincent Toon
- Head to the repository to download or view this code: Vincent Portfolio V3
- Visit webpage
- Browse portfolio
- Let me know what you think!
First Next.js project. Learned fundamentals, structure, functionality and installation of Next.js
npm i TypeAnimation
- a lightweight npm package that enables you to add dynamic and animated typing effects to your web projects. It's perfect for creating engaging and interactive user interfaces. -
Further practice creating jsx dynamic NavLinks and more reusable code.
Familiar, but first use of
More practice using
(introduction to Resend, but not paying for a domain) -
Tailwind knowledge expanded
Multiple different css implementations, including transform, translate, gradient, from-include-to
npm i framer-motion
- a versatile animation library for React that makes it easy to create fluid and expressive motion in your web applications. -
npm i react-animated numbers
React component for animating numerical values with smooth transitions. It's perfect for creating dynamic and engaging interfaces with changing numeric content. -
npm i react-type-animation
React component that brings dynamic and engaging typing animations to your web applications. Easily simulate the appearance of text being typed, creating a lively and interactive user experience.
Currently, emailjs is not giving me the email of whoever sends the email
facepalm -
More projects to include, with more tabs (Portfolios, Games, Tools, etc...)
Questions, comments, or concerns? Please Email me at: