- This application is a social media platform where people can review their thoughts and experiences while attending a concert or listening to their favorite album. We built this application to exercise our knowledge of ReactJs while framing it in something else we love, music. Live Wire is a MERN stack application that uses GraphQl, MongoDb and React.
- As a music lover
- I WANT an app to share my thoughts on artists I enjoy, shows i've attended, or genres in general.
- SO THAT i can engage with others online and find new cool stuff to listen to.
Live Wire Live Deployment Link
Head to the repository to download, clone or view this code: Github: Live Wire
npm init
in the root of the project, client, and server. -
npm run develop
to fire up the application. -
See client & server package.json's for individual running.
- Users can Signup for their account by entering their Username, Email (with rubular protection) and Password (protected by secrets)
- Users can use this info later to log back in and pick up where they left off
Can view posts by all users and see Artist, Location and their Reviews.
When clicking on comments, will be redirected to a Single Review page where the user can leave a comment and see other comments.
Users can view other users profiles through multiple different Links
On the profile, the users name, count of Bandmates (friends) and all posts are displayed
If you click on Bandmates, you can see the users Bandmates List (friends list)
If on another users page, you have the ability to add them as a bandmate (similar to follow function)
Live Wire title leads to the developer mission, which a donation link and links to the creators githubs.
- This mission is also displayed before the user logs in
Add Likes and Dislikes for individual Reviews
Add Likes and Dislikes for individual Comments
Add functionality to remove Bandmates (back-end is functional)
Add functionality to remove Reviews (back-end is functional)
Add Titles to Reviews
Have ability for users to upload profile pictures
Make toggle choices for users if they are posting from Home or On the Road (Mobile, no venue)
Questions, comments, or concerns? Please Email us at: