- Introduction
- Ribs generator usage
- Illustrations of resulting Cave systems
- Illustrations of resulting Tunnel systems
Ribs is a generator of both 2-manifold triangulations and point cloud geometrical data. Through a set of geometric/topological parameters, Ribs finely controls its synthetic results conceived as data tools for the study, evaluation and calibration of algorithms working on 3D triangulation and/or point cloud datasets.
Ribs uses the Python wrappers of Blender's 3D modeling features to generate two datasets illustrating two kinds of geometries:
- a regular and human manufactured system of tunnels,
- a less smooth/regular cave system.
In addition to the surface and point cloud data, Ribs also provides a path dataset (a branched system of discrete 1D-lines) that is a manual approximation of the topological skeleton of the tunnel/cave system. Such skeleton can be used either for studying visualisation techniques (how to constrain the camera exploring the tunnel/cave system to remain "inside" the system?) or to study skeleton extraction algorithms.
Note: the repository name, Ribs, is a mock up name for Lyon fish-bones that was a source of inspiration for the tunnel system part of the project.
PLY - Polygon File Format (see also Paul Bourke's PLY format definition) is the only file format supported by Ribs.
was chosen because:
- it allows the representation of both 3D point clouds and/or triangulations,
- it is supported by many softwares among witch Point Cloud Library (PCL), Cloud Compare, MeshLab),
- its ASCII representation (as opposed to binary formats) allows for a simple parsing.
- Arch: amd64. Note: this archirecture hard contraint is not due to RIBS per se (that is pure python code), but to its bpy (blender python) dependency that is implicitly arch dependent.
- Python > 3.10
- Blender version > 4.0.2
git clone https://github.com/VCityTeam/TT-Ribs.git # This repository
cd TT-Ribs
cd Src
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The complete flag and parameter arguments are documented by the following commands
python Cave.py -h # For the cave system
python Tunnel.py -h # For the tunnel system
As a quick summary of shared (between the Cave.py
and Tunnel.py
scripts) and flags/parameters :
--subdivision SUBDIVISION
The number of recursive Catmull-Clark subdivisions that are applied to the original low-resolution surface prior to the triangularisation of the result. This parameter acts on the number of produced vertices/triangles.
--outputdir OUTPUTDIR
Target directory for the resulting PLY files.
By default, the produced surfaces (both Cave and Tunnel systems) have boundaries (their topology is the one of genus-n surfaces with punctures). Set the
flag will plug/fill the holes/boundaries of the resulting surface (that will thus be puncture free). -
Do not export to PLY files. (default: False)
Do not export to OBJ files. (default: False)
In opposition to Tunnel.py
, the Cave.py
has a set of specific parameters that control its general topology (number of replicates of a basic build block) as well as some geometric features like the height of the stalactites. Here is a brief summary (refer to the output of python Cave.py -h
for more details):
--grid_size_x GRID_SIZE_X
and--grid_size_y GRID_SIZE_Y
The number of replications along the
axis and along theY
axis respectively, of the basic cave building block (defaults are1
meaning no replication). Those parameter act on the topology (genus and number of boundaries) of the resulting "gridified" cave system and as such induces a higher number of vertices/triangles. -
--stalactite_factor STALACTITE_FACTOR
Vertical extension factor of the stalactites (default: -25.0)
python Tunnel.py --subdivision 3 --no-ply-export --fill_holes
python Cave.py -v --grid_size_x 2 --grid_size_y 3
The resulting files are of the form cave_*.ply
or cave_*.obj
respectively tunnel_*.ply
or tunnel_*.obj
and can be visualized with tools like e.g. https://point.love/
If you wish to interact with the resulting geometries with the help of the
blender UI (that is use commands of the form blender --python <some_script.py>
and because of
this issue
you will further need to define the following PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`:`pwd`/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages
Using Blender UI with the constructed is achieved with e.g.
blender --python Cave.py -- -v --subdivision 2
blender --python Tunnel.py -- -v --subdivision 2
In the above commands mind the additional " -- " argument that is not required when running "outside" of the blender UI.
Ribs generates the following results
Point cloud, subdivision=1 Triangulation, subdivision=1 Point cloud, subdivision=2 Triangulation, subdivision=2With grid_size_x = grid_size_y = 1
Subdivisions | # Vertices | #Edges | #Faces | Point Cloud | Triangulation | Time |
1 | 12k | 25k | 12k | 1.3Mb | 1.7Mb | 7" |
2 | 50k | 101k | 50k | 5Mb | 7Mb | 14" |
3 | 202k | 405k | 202k | 19Mb | 28Mb | 43" |
4 | 810k | 1 619k | 809k | 77Mb | 112Mb | 3'00" |
5 | 3 238k | 6 476k | 3 237k | 305M | 459M | 11'46" |
The vertices sitting at the top of the stalactites have been regrouped within
a "Change_size_stalactite" vertex group to which a SimpleDeform
configured in Stretch
mode, is applied.
Varying the Factor
of this Stretch
mode modifier changes the stalactite
height as depicted on the following pictures where the StretchFactor
respectively 0
, 7
, 14
and 21
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
In order to test how the information conveyed by textured images get degraded from their original version to vertices color within triangulations (of various resolutions) the Cave integrates an image of "primitive wall paintings". The following figure gives some clues of what remains available/recognizable for a level of subdivision of 3:
Point.love detail rendering of primitive wall paintings (subdivision=3) Triangulation, subdivision=1 (without color rendering) Triangulation, subdivision=2 (without color rendering) Triangulation, subdivision=3 (without color rendering) Triangulation, subdivision=4, with colors Triangulation, subdivision=4 (without color rendering) Triangulation, subdivision=4, with colorsIn order to generate datasets with ranging topologies and dataset sizes, Ribs allows for the composition (the result is guaranteed to be a single 2-manifold surface) of the basic building block into grids.
Here is an example of a 3x2 grid system of caves rendered with different tools (and point sizes).
MeshLab rendering of point cloud (subdivision=2, grid_size_x=3, grid_size_y=2) Point.love rendering of point cloud (subdivision=2, grid_size_x=3, grid_size_y=2) Point.love rendering (side view) of tunnel systems (subdivision=1) Point.love rendering (above view) of tunnel systems (subdivision=1) Point.love rendering (perspective view) of tunnel systems (subdivision=1)Subdivisions | # Vertices | #Edges | #Faces | Point Cloud | Triangulation | Time |
1 | 35k | 105K | 70k | 4.5Mb | 5.8M | 32" |
2 | 140k | 420k | 280k | 16Mb | 21Mb | 1'32" |
3 | 560k | 1 682k | 1 121k | 59Mb | 83Mb | 5'33" |
4 | 2 243k | 6 731k | 4 487k | 226Mb | 331Mb | 23'17" |
- For Tunnel: document the existence of a wall painting (a group of three hunters) and its position within the cave.
- Document the existence and usage of
object - Document the existence and usage of
object - Try the
exporting option.