- Inspired by the TV serie "The Squid Game".
- There is a preliminary screen with the instructions of the game.
- In the development of the game will appear: A doll, a traffic light, a tree, 25 players (Squiders) with their respective names, two security guards, a blackboard with the names of the eliminated squiders.
- The "Squiders" are eliminated when the traffic light randomly changes color (From green to red) and the doll shoots a destructive beam.
- When the last player is eliminated, the doll self-destructs and the game ends.
- Flor Tiscornia https://github.com/FlorTiscornia
- Himorell Jaramillo (Scrum Master): https://github.com/Himorell
- Leidy Villamil https://github.com//leidyvi
- Paloma Babot León https://github.com/Uxoa
- Sandra León (Product Owner): https://github.com/sandraldr27
- Add more participants.
- Add a second level to the game.
- Include a functionality so that the user can add and remove squiders in the frontend.
- Include a persistence system to keep deleted squiders inactive (PHP and a MySql database).
- HTML5.
- CSS3.
- javaScript.
- Sweet alert 2: https://sweetalert2.github.io/#ajax-request
- Animate style: https://animate.style/
- Access preview with Live Server and use browser inspection