This project is an Access to the drumless songs and tablatures of the tracks I can play with the possibility to have a link to the Youtube drumless song and another link to the drum tablature. I integrated a drumset animation just for play a little bit, thank you to to let me use it.
A Backend team asked me to develop a dynamic Frontend of my drumless tracks linked to the drumless video and drum Tablature. As I don't have a REST API I use a JSONto be able to built the frontend. The Backend Team requested me javascript vanilla, layout practices and clean code.
Paloma Babot
Run de index.html from your Live Server code editor
👉 Make sure you have NodeJs (node -v) ( and Composer (composer -v) ( installed
👉 clone
👉 Install dependencies: npm install
👉 Install dependencies: sass installation
👉 Start the server: json-server(npm install -g json-server command)
👉 go to /json folder (cd json) where the canciones.json is
👉 Launch the server using json-server --watch drumless.json
Solo Programming
Improve the design
Add a form data to upload dynamically the canciones.json