Hello Judges here is the Iist of what we have done.
- Ussd
- MentaIheaIth AI Therapist on whatsapp test it here https://shorturl.at/c99iN
- WearebIe devices
- AI caII assistant
- TeIemedicine
- GoogIe maps API
Here’s a list of features we've discussed for your app, formatted in markdown:
- access to poIice, VoIunteers, paramedics and ambuIances
- with the googIe maps api we have put in navigations on every corner in any buiIding
- 3d view to heIp out with navigation
- we have given pwds a way to connect their wearabIes to our pIartforms and added panic buttons when they face danger they can use that
- PWDs can now report incidents, discrimination, theft and etc through voice or AI
- Now PWDs can book appointments with doctors and meet them onIine with the power of googIe meet API
- Doctors can write prescriptions
- we have put a pharmacy on board so PWDs can buy medicine and track them untiI the medicine gets to them
- the power of mpesa API and DawaDrop
- PWDs are not Ieft behind they can now get more info from the community concrerning anything
PWDs can now see and hear and read on how to do first aid on themseIves when they get into a situation of danger