Updated Version 1.1
- UI redesign
- Image upload persistence
- Expenses export
TransactApp allows users to create an account and login to group any transaction submitted
Project Specs »
A Ruby on Rails mobile app wich allows user to signup,login, create transactions and group them
- Prerequisites
Ruby: 2.6.5 Rails: Postgres: >=9.5
Instal gems with:
bundle install
Setup database with:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
Start server with:
rails server
Open http://localhost:3000/
in your browser.
- Users can log into the app
- New Users can create an account
- Logged users can create new groups
- Logged users can create new transactions and add them to existing or no group
- logged users can see a list of their grouped transactions
- logged users can see a list of their ungrouped transactions
- logged users can see al groups created
- Sidebar menu serves as User profile showing logged user name and example picture
- Friendly UI lets user logically access this features
My transactions
External transactions
New transaction
New group
Project built in Ruby on Rails
Additional Gems used
- Bootstrap v4.0
- DatabaseCleaner
- Shoulda Matchers
- Capybara
- MiniMagick
- CarrierWave
- Bcrypt
- Rspec model testing done for validation and associations
- Rspec - Capybara testing for features
- Eduardo Bonilla Cáceres - [email protected]
- My Portfolio
- My Twitter
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