Publicly available IAHLT UD Hebrew Treebank's Knesset section (
UD_Hebrew-IAHLTknesset is a manually annotated UD Treebank of spoken Hebrew data, with approximately 67K words/2800 sentences taken from transcribed proceedings of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset. The data contains a subset of sentences from the proceedings originally extracted for modeling factuality, and represent sometimes contiguous chunks of 100 parliament discussions, but not necessarily enitre or fully contiguous ones (see the document identifiers under # newdoc id
annotations). Where possible, consecutive sentences are given in their original orders, but with possible gaps in the dialogue. Speaker names are provided as well.
The HTB version used in the project was initially converted automatically, then a subset of the converted data was manually validated and adopted as a gold standard for training the model for UD parsing used in Hebrew-IAHLT. The entire parsed data has been manually edited to correct parsing errors, and was automatically QA'ed to apply corrections following updates in the schema. For a fork of UD_Hebrew-HTB (Ha'aretz newswire data) using the same annotation scheme, see:
For an additional UD_Hebrew corpus with the same annotation scheme (Wikipedia articles), see:
The data additionally contains Named Entity annotations in the IAHLT scheme in the MISC annotation Entity=
, illustrated in the following excerpt:
# sent_id = 13_ptm_532410-8
# is_chairman = false
# speaker = יגאל ביבי
# turnnumber = 96
# text = בשום סקטור בעולם אין נבחר ציבור שיש לו סמכויות גדולות, בלי שום balance, בלי שום איזון, כפי שיש לראש עיר במדינת ישראל.
1-2 בשום _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 ב ב ADP ADP _ 3 case _ _
2 שום שום DET DET Definite=Cons 3 det _ _
3 סקטור סקטור NOUN NOUN Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 6 obl _ _
4-5 בעולם _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 ב ב ADP ADP Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 case _ _
5 עולם עולם NOUN NOUN Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 3 nmod _ _
6 אין אין VERB VERB Polarity=Neg 0 root _ _
7 נבחר נבחר NOUN NOUN Definite=Cons|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 6 nsubj _ _
8 ציבור ציבור NOUN NOUN Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 7 compound _ _
9-10 שיש _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9 ש ש SCONJ SCONJ _ 10 mark _ _
10 יש יש VERB VERB Polarity=Pos 7 acl:relcl _ _
11-12 לו _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11 ל ל ADP ADP _ 12 case _ _
12 ו הוא PRON PRON Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs 10 obl _ _
13 סמכויות סמכות NOUN NOUN Gender=Fem|Number=Plur 10 nsubj _ _
14 גדולות גדול ADJ ADJ Gender=Fem|Number=Plur 13 amod _ SpaceAfter=No
15 , , PUNCT PUNCT _ 18 punct _ _
16 בלי בלי ADP ADP _ 18 case _ _
17 שום שום DET DET Definite=Cons 18 det _ _
18 balance balance NOUN NOUN Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 10 obl _ SpaceAfter=No
19 , , PUNCT PUNCT _ 22 punct _ _
20 בלי בלי ADP ADP _ 22 case _ _
21 שום שום DET DET Definite=Cons 22 det _ _
22 איזון איזון NOUN NOUN Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 18 conj _ SpaceAfter=No
23 , , PUNCT PUNCT _ 26 punct _ _
24 כפי כפי SCONJ SCONJ _ 26 mark _ _
25-26 שיש _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
25 ש ש SCONJ SCONJ _ 24 fixed _ _
26 יש יש VERB VERB Polarity=Pos 10 advcl _ _
27-28 לראש _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
27 ל ל ADP ADP _ 28 case _ _
28 ראש ראש NOUN NOUN Definite=Cons|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 26 obl _ Entity=(TTL
29 עיר עיר NOUN NOUN Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 28 compound _ Entity=TTL)
30-31 במדינת _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
30 ב ב ADP ADP _ 31 case _ _
31 מדינת מדינה NOUN NOUN Definite=Cons|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 28 nmod _ _
32 ישראל ישראל PROPN PROPN _ 31 compound _ Entity=(GPE)|SpaceAfter=No
33 . . PUNCT PUNCT _ 6 punct _ _
Entity types cover the following categories:
- ANG - language
- DUC - product
- EVE - event
- FAC - facility
- GPE - geo-political entity
- LOC - location
- ORG - organization
- PER - person
- TIMEX - time expression
- TTL - title
- WOA - work of art
- MISC - miscellaneous
We would like to thank Gili Golden, Shuly Wintner, and Ella Rabinovich for making the original raw data available. We also thank all the people who contributed to this corpus: Amir Zeldes, Hilla Merhav, Israel Landau, Netanel Dahan, Nick Howell, Noam Ordan, Omer Strass, Shira Wigderson, Yael Minerbi and Yifat Ben Moshe.
For academic citations of the IAHLT UD treebanks, please use:
Zeldes, Amir, Nick Howell, Noam Ordan and Yifat Ben Moshe (2022) A Second Wave of UD Hebrew Treebanking and Cross-Domain Parsing. In: Proceedings of EMNLP 2022. Abu Dhabi, UAE, 4331-4344.
author = {Amir Zeldes and Nick Howell and Noam Ordan and Yifat Ben Moshe},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {EMNLP} 2022},
title = {A Second Wave of {UD} {H}ebrew Treebanking and Cross-Domain Parsing},
year = {2022},
pages = {4331--4344},
address = {Abu Dhabi, UAE},
url = {},
For academic citations of the underlying Knesset corpus, please use:
Goldin, Gili, Nick Howell, Noam Ordan, Ella Rabinovich, and Shuly Wintner (2024) The Knesset Corpus: An Annotated Corpus of Hebrew Parliamentary Proceedings.
- 2024-11-15 v2.15
FEATS consistency changes with other Hebrew treebanks
Changed :tmod and :npmod subtypes to :unmarked with TemporalNPAdjunct=Yes in misc to preserve tmod info
Construction annotations in the UCxn framework added to MISC
This release adds rule-based annotations of Interrogatives, Conditionals, Existentials, and NPN (noun-preposition-noun) constructions on the head of the respective phrase, plus construction elements. The UCxn v1 notation and categories are documented here.
- 2024-11-15 v2.15
- Initial release in Universal Dependencies.
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v2.15 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: government spoken Lemmas: manual native UPOS: manual native XPOS: not available Features: manual native Relations: manual native Contributors: Zeldes, Amir; Algom, Avner; Ordan, Noam; Ben Moshe, Yifat; Howell, Nick; Wigderson, Shira; Strass, Omer; Landau, Israel; Dahan, Netanel; Minerbi, Yael; Merhav, Hilla; Kowner, Emmanuelle; Wintner, Shuli; Goldin, Gili; Rabinovhich, Ella; Gurevich, Vladimir Contributing: here Contact: [email protected] ===============================================================================