- Updated USD version to v20.08
- Set material name in Unity to match the material name in the USD file on import (#174).
- Shader exporter: added PBR export support to standard shader (#191, #206).
- Shader exporter: added support for in-memory and render texture export (#125).
- Shader exporter: added support for texture wrap modes (#125).
- Added USDZ export from recorder clip.
- Added Scope import as XForm (#154).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash happening when calling Scene.Read on non existing prims (#158).
- Fixed an inability to refresh layers in Editor Mode (#155).
- Fixed USDPayload's "Is Loaded" field in the inspector staying at false even when the payload has been loaded.
- Fixed Transform Overrides export extension (USDU-124)
- Fixed UsdAsset not saving changes made in the inspector (simple view).
- Fixed redundant Timesamples created every frame for every prims at export.
- Fixed shader import for emissive color & light baking.
- Fixed wrong texture paths when exporting from packages (#125).
- Fixed prefabs being reset when entering Play mode (#101).
- Fixed export framerate to frames (60FPS) for more stability and improved compatibility with ArQuickLook (#170)
Special thanks to @hybridherbst for his awesome contributions on the materials import/export and USDZ exporters.